Valerie, meet Bryan

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Valerie POV:

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Valerie POV:

I wandered through the house, making sure it was clean and ready. Matthew wanted to introduce me to Anna and their son, Bryan. I'm not a kid person, and somehow I ended up buying a present for Bryan. Not his ex-wife, his son. I still don't even know why I married the guy. Although it's strange how I didn't meet Anna or Bryan before we got married, even during the wedding they didn't come. It was odd. But I shook off the thought and went back to proofing the house for a seven-year-old, as well as hiding the present behind the couch. Matthew wanted me to place it there. "You ready?" Asked a voice behind me. I turned to see Matthew standing in the living room doorway. He was wearing his usual suit. I looked away from him, saying, "I guess." Matthew smiled, "It's gonna be alright, Bryan will love you. And I'm sure Anna will too." "That's not what I'm worried about." I said quickly. My voice slightly cracked. (Damn it.) Matthew walked up to me and smoothed out my hair. He said, "Sure you're not. Your hair's a mess and you've practically turned the house upside down just to make it look presentable not only for a child but for from what you know a woman who is very hard to impress." I was staring down the entire time until he lifted my chin just for us to make eye contact. "I know you're trying to make sure you can impress Anna. I can tell." I scoffed and walked over to a shelf to double-check the breakables, "Please, I never actively "try" to impress anyone." Matthew chuckled, changing into a Russian accent, "Then how were you able to catch my eye, sweet woman." I rolled my eyes, "First, don't call me sweet woman, second, you were a hopeless romantic lost in the grief of your divorce. It was child's play, Matthew. And don't antagonize me. That's my job." Matthew draped his arms over me, "What do you mean, it's your job, Val?" I continued adjusting the items on the shelf as I said, "Oh, cause last I checked, I'm the wife, meaning it's my job to berate you, and I'm also the businesswoman that could get your little theater closed down at any minute." Matthew smiled and cockily said, "You wouldn't do that." I raised an eyebrow, "Says who?" "No one. But if you were going to do that, I would be out of business years ago. I think you actually like the little theater Vincent, Marcus, and I run. Besides, you love me too much" He kissed me on the cheek and walked away. Leaving me to grumble in my broken pride. (He got me there.) I never admitted it. And would never admit it. But Matthew was right. I did like his little show. And his stupid personality. Suddenly the doorbell rang. I raced to the door, brushed off any dust on me, and smoothed out my hair. (Alright Valerie, this could go right or wrong. We shall see.) Matthew opened the door and in ran a little boy, who was almost the exact image of Matthew. The only difference was Matthew had the mustache. But the boy wore an oversized red hoodie and black pants, and he held a plush version of the Vinnie puppet. "DADDY!" Yelled the small child. Matthew smiled and picked up the boy, then quickly threw him into the air and caught him, Matthew's smile was bigger and brighter than ever, and the boy had the same aura around him. "BRYAN, my boy, how have you been?" Matthew put down Bryan and just as he did, Bryan began to run circles around Matthew before stopping and jumping in place. "I'm been good. It boring home. How Vincent bee?" "How has Vincent been doing Bryan? Please speak properly." Said the voice of a woman who walked in through the door. Her hair was a lighter brown than Bryan's, and she wore a pastel pink business dress. She shut the door, and her eyes met with mine first. They were the same brown as Matthew's and Bryan's, but they were ice cold, and I felt myself freeze and tense up. Matthew smiled and laughed, "Come now Anna, Bryan's seven. It's not like he needs to talk like an adult just yet. Let him be a kid." She glanced in Matthew and Bryan's direction for a small moment before her eyes moved back to me. She scanned me and said, "So this is the Valerie of Fazbear Corporation. How did you accomplish that?" She asked with a bitter hint in her voice. It was clear she was talking to Matthew, and that their relationship was still quite rocky. I couldn't blame them, but geez. Anna could hold a grudge, as far as I know, it's been a couple of years since the divorce. I took a deep breath before walking up to Anna and holding out my hand, "Yes, I'm Valerie. You must be Anna, Matthew's mentioned quite a bit about you. I hope we become great friends in the near future." Her ice-cold stare was still there, but it softened slightly when she shook my hand, "Indeed. Although I didn't realize he was still clinging to the past." Matthew knelt down and gave Bryan a high five. I was feeling more tense than I should have been, but by the way Anna was watching me, it seemed like she didn't like me, at all. Understandably, I have done numerous things in my career, but still. No clue what I did to her. Anna backed away from me and looked down at Bryan who was walking up to me. And god was he small, around 3 ft 9 in. (Normally a kid his age would be around 4 ft.) Matthew snapped me out of my thoughts by saying, "Valerie, this is Bryan. Bryan, this is your stepmother, Valerie." Bryan didn't seem scared, but he wasn't excited to meet me it seemed either. He just seemed curious. Though he was excited to see Matthew, it all went away as soon as Anna walked in. Now he was as quiet as a fox, and they don't make much noise. Heck, I don't even know if they make any. Then he looked at Matthew and asked, "Can I say Mama Valerie?" Matthew chuckled, "Ask her. Not me bud." Bryan looked back at me and asked, "Can you be Mama Valerie?" I stared at Bryan for a few seconds. I've never ran into any kid that's wanted to call me anything close to mom. Of course, I've never had to. (What the hell do I do here?) I looked over at Matthew, he was giving me an encouraging thumbs up. I sighed and strained a smile, "Sure kid." Bryan gave me a big grin and walked into the living room. I was left with both Anna and Matthew, and I had no clue what to do now. Anna was glaring at me, Matthew finally noticed the tension between us it seemed, because he said, "Valerie, why don't you go watch Bryan and give him the surprise." Anna looked at Matthew, "What surprise?" Matthew smiled and began pulling her to the kitchen, "You'll just have to wait for Bryan to show you. Until then, why don't we catch up." Matthew winked at me before turning the corner. I walked into the living room, and there was Bryan, sitting with legs crossed on the floor. It looked like he was squeezing his doll as he stared into space. The bright gleaming eyes I saw when he was talking with Matthew were gone. Now they were just dull and empty, it reminded me of when I first met Matthew. He was a wreck, always spacing out, I think he forgot to leave work so much he hadn't eaten for two days straight at times. But this kid, something was different. I decided to sit down next to Bryan. Right as I did he loosened the grip on his doll and looked up at me, his eyes seemed a bit brighter then. "Mama Valerie?" I smiled and said calmly, "Heya squirt. Do you like the house so far?" He looked around for a moment and shook his head. "Why not?" I asked. I knew he probably wouldn't like it as it wasn't made to a child's taste. But I was curious about his answer. "It feel empty. Like Mommy. Like Daddy was." (Umm. That's not what I expected. Huh, Okay.) I looked around, the house wasn't empty, there was furniture around, and some nice vases or what have you for decor, but there weren't many photos or anything out of the ordinary exciting. Bryan was right, the house did feel empty, it was empty. And it was clear Bryan didn't like being here. At least not without his dad's energy or presence. Bryan seemed happier with him. I then remembered something Matthew said from when we were preparing, (Come on Valerie, I know you're a kid person. You just haven't tried. And besides, Bryan's not like other kids. I think you two would get along wonderfully. Especially after you show him the gift.) I pinched my nose and looked at Bryan. He was looking at his doll blankly. I then had an idea, "Hey Bryan. There's something here." Bryan looked over at me, "What?" I smiled and said with ease, "It's a surprise, but it's in this room. And you need to find it, but you can't move anything." Bryan's eyes lit up immediately and he scrambled to find it. (Matthew wasn't wrong about Bryan liking treasure hunts or finding things.) He'd have his Vinnie doll look for something in an area first, then looked himself. I had to admit. It was kind of cute. He finally checked the couch and pulled out a small box. It was about a couple of inches tall. Bryan brought it back to me and opened it. His eyes widened and he smiled. Bryan pulled out a sailor moon wand and a set of Pokeballs. And the last thing he pulled out was a Charmander plush. "Matthew said you only had Pikachu and Squirtle. So I thought you would like Charmander. And he also made the mention of how you liked Sailor Moon so," Bryan then looked down and mumbled something I couldn't quite understand. "What did you say bud?" Suddenly I was tackled and fell over, Bryan was hugging me tightly. He yelled happily, "THANK YOU MAMA VALERIE!" He got off me and began to introduce Vinnie to the Charmander. I had never felt like this before. Bryan said thank you and smiled, happily playing with the gifts, Matthew didn't tell me what to give or to even get anything. I just did. But I felt a feeling of accomplishment, satisfaction, and joy. And it was only from the success at making Bryan smile. I then heard laughs and looked at the doorway, There stood Matthew, holding a camera, and Anna was looking away, but she glanced toward me and Bryan, giving a small smile before quickly looking away. Matthew was beaming with pride. I asked, "Were you recording us?" Matthew nodded, "Yep, this is one to look back on. I knew you were a kid person. You did great." I was slightly surprised, but, I looked back at Bryan. He looked at me and walked over. He then handed me the Charmander and held out a Pokeball while saying, "Get ready for twouble." I looked back at Matthew and Anna, he was still recording, and she shrugged her shoulders, seeming quite confused. But I recognized the phrase and realized what Bryan wanted me to do without him even saying it, he wanted me to finish it. I picked up one of Pokeballs and tapped it against Bryan's while saying, smiling with pride and joy, "Make it double."  

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