'Make Me'

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I sit, still annoyed, paranoid, destroyed. Why do they have to be like that? I ask myself. The night had been long enough already without him. The people I thought I knew, were nothing but masked figures pretending. None of them truly know who I am, and how I feel about it all. I finally decide to text my boyfriend. God I miss him so much, how long has it been now? When was the last time I got to see him? He lives so far away... why do we have to be 100 miles apart?

"Hey <3" I say, trying to make it seem like I haven't had too bad of a day

"What's up darling?" he replies. I simply can't stand it, so I choose to tell him everything. He deserves to know, right?

"I hate the people that love me, except you of course, but they all kinda suck. It hurts that they don't know who I am. But if they ever found out that I'm bisexual they'd kill me. Right now they're all so proud of me because of my 'musical talent'. I just don't know what to do anymore..."

"WAIT just one second!" He replies. I'm sure he's just doing some chores or something. Suddenly I hear a knock at the door. I walk over confused on who it could be, were we expecting someone tonight? I didn't invite any friends over and the mailman doesn't come this late into the night. I open the door.

"Uh... huh... how di-" He cuts me off.

"Shhhh, it's going to be ok now. I'm here." He says as he leans to kiss me, I oblige instantly. "Now, how do you feel?" He asks in a calming but dominant way.

"Umm- I- better, I guess? But how did you even get here? I ask, completely confused.

"I have my ways. Either way I'm here aren't I? Now let's cuddle, shall we?~" He proceeds to drag me over to the couch where we just sit without a second thought. He holds me unlike anyone else has ever held me before. His soft but cold hands holding mine so delicately. It's as if he'd been trying to get me to melt in his arms. We sit there for a few minutes, no interruptions, no talking, no nothing, just us. I want to whisper to him, but it feels as if my throat was tightening by the second. I hear a faint motion behind us, as perk up at the sound. Was that one of my parents? What if they see me cuddling with another boy? I feel him hold me tighter for a second and take a deep breath. He pulls me down onto his lap as if annoyed.

"W- what was that for?" I ask, feeling my face go red.

"Stay." He demands.

"So are we just gonna-"

"Hush darling." he cuts me off before I can say anything else.

"Make me!" I challenge, I already know damn well what'll happen next. He looks at me, staring me down, as if he were questioning me with his own eyes. Then as he quickly leans towards me I dodge, turning my head so he's only able to peck my cheek.

"You sly fucker," he smirks as he cups my chin with his hand pulling me into a kiss. "you better listen today, or I'll have to continue shutting you up."

"And if I don't?" I toy, "What if I just ke-" He kisses me again, but on the lips, more passionately this time. He breaks the kiss and asks if he can kiss me with tongue this time. I nod my head, as I'm unable to string a single sentence together. He kisses me with more force yet so passionately. I feel his mouth open and tongue slide across my lips asking for entry. I open my mouth as our tongues dance in our mouth, sliding across each other. I pull away, gasping for air.

"Would you rather go somewhere a little more... comfortable?" I ask while still panting. He must have memorized the layout of my house after so many video calls together. He takes me by the hand and brings me down stairs to my room, pushing me onto the bed. While he lays with his head on my chest we just cuddle and talk about our life apart and shitty family and friends. While he's talking about how his family treated him while we were apart for so many months. All of the sudden I feel him shivering.

"Are you cold pumpkin?" I ask, reaching for another blanket. I look down to see tears running down his face. "Oh... Oh, no, no, no, no...." I reach up and run my fingers through his short, yet soft hair. "Why are you crying love?" I ask him with as much love in my voice as I could muster.

"I finally get to see you, and hug you. I've just missed you so fucking much!" He replies between sobs. We lay there for about fifteen to thirty minutes, just calming down as we get more and more tired. "I don't know if I can go back there with them, and without you..." He complains as he drifts off into sleep. He's so damn cute, how did I ever land him? I begin whispering things to him, reassuring him that he doesn't have to go home yet. Compliments, 'I love you's and a bunch of other sweet things.

"I'm not asleep" He mutters under breath, just loud enough that I can hear him.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I utter, obviously flustered. He just snickers cutely, his laugh brings me back to when I first met him. Back to that music camp up north. That first day when I got to know my room neighbor.

"All this because your Christian 'family' doesn't like you for being gay, so you decided to make out with me." He chuckles.

"It wasn't my fault that we made out!" I stated

"We had an agreement that whenever we say 'make me' when the other was trying to get you to shut up, we make out. Completely, one hundred percent, your fault."

"Yeah, I remember..." I murmured, knowing he's right.

"So, do you actually want to go to sleep now? Take a little nap while cuddling?"

"Yeah, yeah I do..."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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