You Know I Can't Resist You

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"Stop it."


"Being so hot."

There Katherine was trying to write a dumb article when Jack had to walk in the door and decide to pull his shirt off.

"I can't control the heat Kath, it's the middle of the summer." Jack said cheekily even though he knew what she meant.

"For the sake of my sanity put your shirt back on." Katherine said trying hard to keep her eyes from wandering over his chest.

"I dunno Ace, your pretty damn hot yourself when your insane." He said smirking at her. He'd just come back from a run and his forehead was bedded with sweat and his chest was rising and falling rapidly.

"Put your shirt back on." She ordered pulling her eyes from him.

"It's a million degrees in here!"

"Go jump in a lake then!"

Jack snapped his mouth shut but kept smirking at her. She seriously was gonna go crazy one of these days. He was just to darn hot.

"Ya know, your lookin' a little hot an bothered ya self." He said strolling over to her. She knew what he was gonna do even before he did it. "I can help you with that." He said tugging her shirt up. She slapped his hand away and gave him a glare.

"I am not hot." She said sitting up in her chair.

"Yes you are." Jack said kneeling down and propping his chin on her shoulder. His hands were curling around her waist and she felt her heart rate quicken.

"Stop it Jack."

"Stop what?"

"You know I can't resist you." She said feeling her willpower break.

"I can't see the problem." He said grinning up at her. She rolls her eyes and turns to face him.

"The problem, Mr Kelly is that I need to edit my article but you are distracting me." She said gripping his shoulders.

"I still don't see da problem." He says cheekily and ran a hand up her leg. She rolled her eyes again and got up from her desk.

"Impossible, that's all I have to say."

Jack watched her with raised eyebrows as she made her way to the bedroom door. She stops when she realizes he isn't following her.

"Are you coming or what?" She asks her eyebrows raised. Jack chuckled under his breath and got up eagerly to follow her in.

What could she say?

Jack was to darn hot.

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