Chapter 1. Our Last Year

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"Captain!! Out of the way first years! Hold on wait for us!!" Sullivan Fawley shouts as him and Zacharias Smith shove their way though the crowded platform. Charlotte rolls her eyes and glares at the two of them as her and her best friend, Poppy Sweeting, wait for the boys to catch up. It's almost hard not to laugh at the image of them out of breath and running with bags in hand but Charlotte keeps her composure, ready to scold them for being almost too late.

"Quickly please. I'm meant to be meeting Anthony and I'm sure he's already aboard the train saving us seats." Poppy had been dating Anthony Rickett for just over a year now and the five of them were all on the Hufflepuff quidditch team together.

"Tony will be fine and you'll see him soon enough, Poppy. Besides you know you prefer our company to him anyway. That's why you ladies waited when we called." Zacharias gives her a wink and Sullivan laughs as Poppy slaps both of them on the arm with the book she's carrying. Fawley and Smith were the Hufflepuff team's beaters and could almost be mistaken for brothers if you didn't know them. Both had sandy blonde hair and blue eyes that almost looked grey. They'd been the best of friends since childhood, their parents were also close friends so they spent a lot of time together even before they began attending Hogwarts. Nobody knew how to get under Charlotte's skin more than Zacharias and Sullivan but she loved them like family even if she didn't tell them every day.

"What could've been so important the two of you almost missed the train for it? Do you have any idea how difficult it would be for me to find replacements capable of beating the Slytherin team? That's the last time you're slacking off. We've got a lot of work to do this year so get it together." Charlotte's arms are folded over her chest and her lips are pursed so hard they're barely there. Poppy mimics the actions and folds her arms across her chest as well but there's a smirk on her face that betrays Charlotte's serious tone.

"Yes Ma'am! You heard her, Sullivan now stop trying to get me into trouble with Mom. It's his fault we're so behind he insisted-" Zacharias is interrupted by Sullivan yelling over him and the two of them begin bickering like school children. Another roll of the eyes and Charlotte turns around and begins heading towards the train again with Poppy and the boys close behind.

They make their way through the crowd of excited first years to the private compartment Anthony is seated in. The five of them settle in and moments later the other two members of the team find their way to the car. Rose Zeller and Patrick Bagby are both chasers along with Anthony.

"Oh finally we've found you lot. I made Patrick wait on the platform with me until the last moment in case any of you were out there. Sorry we're late." Rose has always been a considerate person, since the day Charlotte met her. She fits most of the stereotypes about Hufflepuff's, hell she'd give anyone the robe off her back if they needed it.

"No worries Rose we're all here now. How was everyone's summer?" Charlotte gives the girl a bright smile and taps the seat next to her so she can sit down.

"Not fair!!" Sullivan starts up, "We weren't even as late as she was and we got yelled at! And she made Bagby late too!!"

"Charlotte knows she doesn't have to yell to get me to listen to her so she doesn't bother. You two are another story entirely. She's captain because she knows how to handle you both." Rose sticks her tongue out at them and plops onto the seat next to Charlotte with a loud exhale.

"Speaking of our darling captain here..." Patrick finally speaks up, and before he spits out the words Charlotte knows what he's planning on inquiring about, "Heard a little rumor during my latest trip to Hogsmeade that you and Garreth Weasley are on the outs now. How are we going to party with the Gryffindor's like last year if you've gone and dumped their captain?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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