Chapter 17

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Gale: "I-I-I-I Made it!"

Charlotte: "Yes! Now we have to find our names"

Nisha: "I hope we made it"

Charlotte: "Of course I did, I don't know about you."

Nisha clenches her fist

Ethan: "Hello again , Gale right?"

Gale: "Y-y-yes, I-I-I-I remember y-y-you"

Ethan: "I don't think I gave you my name before, but I'm Masamune"

Alex: "Oh Ethan! Thanks for keeping her here"

Ethan: "Why me?"

Ethan drops to his hands and knees

Alex: "Hey Gale, I have to talk to you"

Gale: "hm?"

Alex takes out the paper the hooded man gave him

Gale's eyes open wide

Gale: "Who gave you this?"

Chapter 17

Alex: "Do you know something?"

Gale: "This is a code me and my brother used to use when we were kids. We used to play a lot of games as kids and deciphering these codes were one of them"

Alex: "So that's who gave me this?"

Gale: "Well, I don't know yet. What did the code say?"

Alex: "It said "Tell Gale I'm ok. They're keeping me from her" "

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