Prologue: That Butler Being Shared

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               “Go Robin, go, leave me be!” Raven coughed. The poker from the fireplace that was driven into her chest had been thrown aside. I shook my head, I wasn’t going to leave her behind; I refused. I hugged my baby sister tightly; tears fell from my eyes and sizzled up from the flames. “Robin you’ll never get Ciel and get out if you don’t leave me! GO!” Raven screamed and held me by the collar of my dress.

                    “No I’m not leaving you Raven!” I hugged her tightly, soiling my dress with my sister’s blood. Raven looked at me and smiled slightly, she knew she was near death; it wasn’t hard to tell, because no one gets stabbed with a fireplace poker and survives. I knew it too, but I didn’t want to think like that.

                    “You always were stubborn…” Raven coughed up blood. “The most stubborn one I know… I love you sis,” Raven whispered. Her tense body went limp, I stood up I’ll find who did this, I’ll kill them… I thought.

                    “Your death won’t be in vain Raven!” I took off running. I ran up the stairs and searched through the corridors. “Ciel, brother, where are you!?” I screamed. “Ciel where are you, Ciel!?” I ran through the corridors, with my dark navy-blue twin-tails trailing behind me, they were gathering dirt and smoke and were becoming more and more like father’s hair color. The air was getting harder and harder to breathe. Where was everyone I couldn’t even tell where I was through all the smoke and flames? “Mother Father! Where are you!?” I called out again. I heard coughing, Ciel! “Ciel is that you!?” I hollered. I threw my hands in front of my whipping them back and forth attempting to see through the smoke. Ciel stood cowering in fear over what he had just seen.

“He’s dead, and so is mother!” Ciel’s voice was quiet among the raging flames. My eyes widened when I heard Ciel say that our parents were dead. I shook my head and covered my mouth.

“No, it can’t be true Ciel I refuse to let it be true!” Tears formed I my eyes, as I denied their deaths. “First Raven, Now mother and father?!” I screamed. I looked up in the air at the ceiling, Haven’t you taken enough from me!? I thought. I shook my head back and forth and walked toward Ciel.

“ROBIN!”Ciel squeaked, as I fell through the floor. I grabbed onto a beam, and my arms shook as I tried to pull myself back up again.

“Ciel, help me please, I can’t move!” I felt the beam begin to crumble under my weight. “Ciel please help me!!” I screamed. I looked up and saw Ciel make his way around the gaping hole in the floor, I stared up at him as the tears dried against the heat of the flames.

“Robin take my hand!” Ciel extended his arm to me. I shook my head, I knew that if I let go of the beam that we’d both die, I needed something, something to keep me going. I didn’t care what, I needed something. “Take my hand sis!” Ciel’s young sounding voice was hardened, like I heard father use sometimes. I shook my head and tears fell but quickly sizzled dry in the heat.

“I-I can’t!’ I cried. Ciel’s hand shook in front of me; he forcefully grabbed my arms and dragged me along the beam until I was away from my eminent death. I Collapsed into Ciel’s arms and began sobbing. “I was so scared!” I breathed.

“I’d never let anything happen to you Robin. I promise,” Ciel whispered through my hair. We stood up and attempted to run out of the mansion. I felt something reach around my waist and grab me from behind. I looked around the flames and smoke to find who had a hold of me I heard Ciel screaming my name, I tried returning the call but my mouth was covered by some sort of fabric some reason all of a sudden, I was getting really sleepy.

“C…C…C…Ci…el….” I said, weakly. I heard my name being called softly before I closed my eyes and fainted.

~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~

Now that I look at it, that all seems like a lifetime ago, though it’s only been a few months; however, in retrospect, I didn’t know how long it’s been. My mother’s and father’s deaths would not be in vain, I will find who did this to Ciel and me no matter what I have to do. I had just been put back in the cage they had me in peasants clothes; they were finished with me for now. I was lying down on the cage floor while resting my head on Ciel’s stomach. The people who had bought us and marked us in different places, Ciel’s mark was on his upper stomach, closer to his chest. Mine was burnt onto my back, I’d never felt anything so painful. I just wanted to go back to Aunt Anne and Grandpa Tanaka; I’ve been doing everything Ciel’s told me to do, stay strong, and whatever you do, do not fight with them, no matter what happens, just go with it!

“What did you do Robin; I thought I told you not to fight with them?” Ciel whispered harshly.  I shook my head, and hugged into my big brother.

“I-I’m sorry, Ciel, but I had to, it’s part of staying strong right? Learning how to survive and live on my own and how to fight for myself, I want to escape Ciel, I don’t know about you but I want out of this prison, and I’m willing to do anything to get out!” I said.

“Fine then, follow my lead, you want out, I think it should work,” Ciel murmured. I nodded and sat up, there were other children here, just like Ciel and I, torn from our families, however, they didn’t speak maybe they couldn’t maybe they could, I didn’t know. Ciel muttered something I couldn’t understand and something I couldn’t quite hear. From what I heard, it sounded like Ciel was calling on a demon.

“Who called the demon?” the voices said. They were all in masks and were acting crazy the people were asking questions to the shadowy figure Ciel had called on.

“You, in the cage,” It was a man’s voice, hard, and strong. Ciel nodded. “You’re the one who called upon me?” The voice asked.

“Yes, I want out of here, I’m sick of not having a bed, I’m sick of not being able to do anything, but most importantly, I want to go home!” Ciel demanded.

“My my, aren’t we selfish?” the demon said. I wanted to speak, but I still clung to Ciel’s loose shirt. “Well if you’re willing to form a contract with me, I’ll take you home.” His voice was happy, as if he were grinning.

“I’m not leaving without my sister, so if I sign a deal with you, you take us both,” Ciel wrapped his arms around my waist.

“I’ll make a deal with you too; please I don’t want to be here any longer!” I cried clinging to Ciel.

“Well than, I’m fine with that, now where shall I place the seal to the deal, the more noticeable the mark, the stronger the bond between servant and master,” he said.

“I don’t care where I want a bond stronger than any others!” Ciel and I exclaimed. 

“How very selfish of you both, I can’t wait, you two will make… One hell of a feast” His voice was just as sour as his evil grin.

The demon grabbed my face, and pushed my head back, he held his hand over my right eye. It hurt, really bad, I’d never felt anything so awful in my life. The pain was unbearable; I screamed loudly and high pitched. I couldn’t stand it I tried removing his hand, but it wouldn’t budge. It was nothing, but unbearable pain.

“Stop it, you’re hurting her stop it!” Ciel screamed. The demon lifted his hand off my eye.

I watched the demon stick his hand back in the cage as he placed it over Ciel’s right eye.  His eye bled from the pain as tears streaked down his face. The demon moved his hand from my brother’s eye. I looked over at Ciel as his eyes full of fear and pain stared back at me. Our marks were the same, a purple pentagram encircled by what looked like barbed wire around it. Ciel and I exchanged glances,

“Sebastian,” Ciel said.

“Michaelis,” I stared at the demon. The demon morphed from a shadow to a man before my eyes; an attractive man with black hair and deep red eyes, what was this, was this even possible? How could I, Robin Charlotte Phantomhive, be in love with a demon? I couldn’t, could I? No, it wasn’t possible… Was it?

Raven Black Butler: Shared ButlerWhere stories live. Discover now