Chapter03: Grandma Eleanor's

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"Come on then." Raya handed her hand toward the small cookie, Custard Cookie III looked hesitant before remembering they're friends, so he hopped onto her hand. Raya put her hand to her shoulder so he can jumped on it, "There, but you have to be careful up there ok?" she asks him "Got it." he told her, she sighs, grabbed a bag and headed outside.


Raya proceeded to walk toward her grandmother house while Custard Cookie III looked around in amaze, trees were bigger and everything else was big too, "What was that thing, that just passed by?" he ask Raya, she just giggles before saying "That was a car, it help you to move faster." She said as she stopped while waiting for the light to turn green. The small cookie was admiring the area he was in until he heard bark below him, he look down saw a 'beast' barking toward him so he gasps while holding onto Raya. "Hey buddy, sit.. sit." she told the German Shepherd and he obeyed her, she smiled before patting him while his owner ran to them, "I'm so sorry, he does this a lot." "No no, its fine sir." she told him as she waved at them when light turn green, while walking down the street she thought about how the German Shepherd remind her about Max until she snap out of it when they arrived at Grandma Eleanor's.

She knocked on the door waiting for her to open the door, few minutes passed and the door finally opened "I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting dear." Eleanor told her granddaughter, "No it fine, but where are they?" Raya asked her grandmother before she called for them, Dusty came running with Rosie on her back sleeping *Bark*, Dusty jumped onto her owner causing Rosie fall off her and hiss. "Rosie behave yourself." Grandma Eleanor said which made Roslyn laugh a little "How about you stay a bit my dear." her grandmother offered her but she decline, "Ok then my dear, be safe." "I will!" she said as she headed back home with Dusty next her and Rosie in her arms.


Dusty was running around the house while Rosie was sleeping on the dinner room table so Dusty won't reach her, "I love those two." Raya thought to herself while putting the little prince back on the table with Prickles, Dusty saw this and decided to check it out so she hopped onto the same table and sniff the small cookie before wagging her tail "I guess she likes you now." she said nervously while taking her off the table "Now be a good girl, and stay here while get you a treat." Rosie heard this sat up meowing at her to get treat too, "Ok, you both gonna get a treat." she told them which made Dusty wagged her tail faster.

While she was looking for two treats for Dusty and Rosie, when all a sudden, a glass cup fell out broke on top her arms. "Dang it!" she said before calming, trying to get the glass sharps out of her arms. After she threw all of the glass sharps from her arm, she turn the faucet on to splash some cold water onto the scratches on her arm, "Ow." "Are you ok?" Custard Cookie III ask worry "Yea, just.. hurt myself." she told him "Can I see it?" "Ummm.. sure." Raya tilted her head a bit before showing him the injured arm. Even though she self-taught herself to use a medic kit and how help with wounds, she did a terrible job at it since it was still bleeding a lot. Custard Cookie III randomly raised his staff up high, Raya looked confuse until she realized what he was doing.

"King's Blessing!" he shouted loudly and his staff started to glow, once it stopped glowing Raya doesn't feel the pain anymore and when she looked down, all was left was a few small scars remained on her arm, "Woah, I never felt magic before." she said while the little prince giggle a little, "Your funny when you be." he said with smile "Thank you so much." she said quietly before continuing to look for the two treats for the animals, "Here they are!" she said as she handed them to Dusty and Rosie.

"It kinda getting late right now, we should go to sleep." Raya told him as the small cookie jumped onto her hand, "Ok." he said before yawning. Raya handed to her room and put the cookie on the side table to looked though the drawers to find a scarf or something to make a bed like for Custard, "Here it is." she whisper as she softly walked to the sleeping cookie, picking him up, placing the scarf down like a bed, putting the little prince down on it, and went to sleep herself.


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