Will we ever learn?

40 9 28

Will we ever learn?
We never do, do we?
Always stuck in the exact same position
Stuck in time
Rewind button very far and out of reach
Stuck dedicating that what's left of our love
To people who play with it
Like it isn't the most fragile thing in the word
Like the already broken pieces don't
Break into many other shards
Like you don't hear your heart
Shatter into endless pieces
When you're around them
But also
Beat so lively
When you're around them

Will we ever learn?
So you give them your heart
Broken parts loosely bandaged together
And they drop it
And you pick it up and bandage it
And give it to them
And they drop it once again
And you pick it up and bandage it once again
And you give it to them

Will we ever learn?
How naïvely we give our hearts to
To people who don't deserve it
How completely we rely on them
How dedicatedly we act towards them

Will we ever learn?
While they played us
Like a professional would a violin
And waved it off
Like it was nothing big
And you keep on telling yourself,
Holding on to nonexistent faith,
Convincing your barely alive heart
That they didn't mean to
That they wouldn't have acted the way they did
If they knew it hurt you
That they love you

Will we ever learn?
Haven't we ever learned?

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