Corinthians 5:17

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Authors note:
This story is not meant to stay a wattpad book, this is just me setting the groundwork before I draw it as a comic. If you like Hallowsdale then I think you'll like it in comic form.


There was once a man of God, a holy man, who dreamed of a world with which no harm would come to those who lived, he believed in the word of the Lord, but did not follow the teachings of men. This man decided one day that his home in France would be no place for his dream, so he left.

The year was 1821. The air was fresh and the grass was moist with dew. On that morning, July 22nd, Father Parish Baudelaire and his associates, Mother Helena and Sister Annette, alongside their families stepped off the boat into the new land of America.

In their hearts was fear, exitment and amazement, and together the small group set out for new beginnings. That was how Hallowsdale began, as several families following their priest. They settled on the outskirts of Illinois, and construction began.

24 people, that was their population, all families of the nuns Helena and Annette.

Sister Annette brought with her, three sisters, Clara, Maria and Belle, who each had husbands, Franklin, George and Leonardo. Clara and Franklin had three children, Rose, Junior and Gabriella. Maria and George had two children, Mark and Abel. And Belle and Leonardo were pregnant with their first.

Mother Helena brought with her, two brothers and a sister, John, Louis and Michelle. John had his wife, Rachel, and their orphaned granddaughter, Mia. Louis had his wife, Lillian and their sons, Marcus, Bartholomew and Noah. Finally, Michelle had her only child, Wendell, since her husband had long since passed.

And finally, Father Baudelaire had come alone, with no family to his name, his people were all he needed. He had no parents or siblings or spouses or children, it was just him.

"You are a master of you craft, I must say." The priest smiled as he watched Franklin work. "How long have you been a carpenter?" He asked.

"My Papa put me to work as soon as I could hold a hammer, so my whole life, I bet." Be chuckled. "Planning on doing the same for this petite mec." He tussled the hair of his son, Junior, who was now ten and was seemingly becoming a mini version of his father, fitting for his name.

"Is that right? Well, I won't keep you boys from you hammers, I should go check on the cooks." The priest smiled as he sauntered off, his hands behind his back.

Nearby, Belle and her nephew, Abel were cooking over an open fire alongside Michelle and Lillian.

"Father Baudelaire, this deer George caught is splendid, we shall eat well tonight." Belle beamed with joy as she stired a pot of stew.

"Good, good, it smells delicious, what else is in there?" I asked.

"Oh, some spices we'd brought with us and some local herbs we'd picked up in Ohio. Thought I should make our first American meal count." She laughed. "Isn't that right, Abel?" She turned to the young boy, who was only 9 years old.

"Uh-huh!" He smiled, exposing his missing front tooth.

"I hope you're not working yourself too hard, we're all tired from the journey here..." The priest frowned worriedly.

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