Chapter 3

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That night, Lora felt as if the chill from the outside had truly found a way to wrap around her bones. Peeling off her clothes was an effort, and for a moment she stood in front of her closet, deciding whether she was too cold for shorts or too clammy for anything warmer.

It felt odd, like her fingers had been shoved in a power socket, yet her legs dragged on her rug as if filled with lead. Maybe she was coming down with something. It was that time of year, after all, and a headache did feel as if it were waiting to emerge in her skull.

Finally landing on both choices- pajama shorts and a sweatshirt, Lora slowly made her way down to the kitchen, where her mother still sat perched at the table. This time, her hair was damp from a shower, her mother's trusty slippers and favorite satin pants in use. She looked up from her screen in greeting, before finally leveling her gaze fully on Lora.

"What's wrong, sweetheart? You look a bit pale." Her mother asked, eyes peering above her glasses with concern.

"I think I just need some tea," Lora managed, sitting down as her mother made to stand. Her mom didn't need to ask; she reached for the peppermint tea stashed in the cupboards, grabbing a few sachets to put into the kettle. They sat in warm silence as the water began to steam, her mother grabbing their favorite mugs and some honey before the kettle began to whistle.

"I might as well have some too. Better to fight the cold before it can begin," her mother said, filling the mugs to the brim with a hefty spoon of honey for each. The sound of her mother's scuffed slippers filled the air as she shuffled back to the table, setting the flower-printed mug in front of Lora's shaky hands.

"Thanks, mom," Lora said, rising and giving her mother a kiss on the head before heading back towards the stairs.

"Love you, honey," she called, and Lora turned to give her an air kiss in return, too tired to manage a response.

Back in the comfort of her room, Lora stepped over chicken before easing onto her bed, careful not to spare the liquid tonic. The impending headache had finally decided to manifest, and it was hard to think of anything but the warm mug in her hands. She finished its contents hastily before heading to the bathroom, each step feeling heavier than the last.

Why is this cold coming on so quickly, She wondered, wincing as the bathroom lights blinked on. She washed her face sluggishly, staring for a moment at the pale color her face had flushed to. She opened a drawer, grabbing her toothbrush. Putting the toothpaste on felt like a chore, until she put the bristles into her mouth.

Sharp, shooting pain lanced through her gums at the contact, and she reacted by throwing the toothbrush, toothpaste hitting the table before it landed in the sink. The pain continued, and it felt as if her teeth were falling out, as if her gums were being peeled back. Her eyes cinched shut, and she stumbled, hitting the wall and falling to the floor. It was all she could do to breathe through the pain, the cold air hitting her teeth only making it worse. She must have hit the ground with a thud, or moaned from the pain, but she heard her mother call up the stairs.

"Is everything okay up there sweetie? Do you need some help?"

It took another minute for Lora to blink through the pain enough to respond, her gums feeling flayed.

"Yeah mom, I'm alright." it was all she could manage as the burning lashed through her mouth again.

When the pain finally subsided to a dull ache, the sun had set, and Lora slowly lifted herself from the tiled floor, shaking as she leaned over the sink with her lips peeled back. There was no blood, no lost teeth, yet her mouth hurt. It felt like someone had put a torch to her gums, and Lora gingerly set her toothbrush back in the drawer.

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