Chapter 1

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"Why do I have to go?"

"Because you need to lead a proper disciplined life and this it the only way you will become disciplined." My mother told me with a sturn tone.

"But why do I need to have a disciplined life?"

"Because you won't be able to find a good husband without it." My mother stated. "Now got to ready or so help the lord." She scolded.

"I don't need a husband, I can take care of myself but fine if you think I need one than I obviously do Mrs I'm always right." I say with a sarcastic and irritated tone.

I'm not the type of girl to need a man in my life doing everything to me. I refer to myself as a independent badass tht takes no ones shit other than my dear beloved mother.

So here I am packing for a school that's I don't even want to go to but what choice do I have I can't live on my own. Luckily I wont be alone I'll have my best friend and my older brother to keep me company and who know I might just ike this school.

I was interrupted but my brother, Ryder banging on my door telling something about leaving so I should get my ass down stairs.

I do so quickly. Once we got to the campus mom made sure that they knew we where there than she left. I was shocked she doesn't leave just like that she has something to do. Like I care I said bye made my way to my dorm tht I will be sharing with my best friend, Sarah which I'm a little happy about.

Once I was settled it was around 16:30 so I went on a nice little run. Sarah was taking a nap so I had nothing better to do and I like running it is a great stress relief and a fun way to piss of Ryder. I just need to run in a sports bra. I wouldn't say I have an amazing body but it isn't really something to be insecure about either and my brother is overprotective but I love him.

So I quickly changed into my running shorts and a matching sports bra and started my run. It was around 16:45 when I started. I picked a direction and ran or jogged at a steady pace.

Halfway through my run I was stopped by my loving jackass of a brother with a group of about 6 guys and 2 girls.

"What the fuck Tara!? Are u trying to piss me off?!" Ryder scolded not caring if he was causing a seen even though he knows I cant handle to many people.

Not wanting to draw more a attention to myself I look down and try to bring in my emotions and not have a panic attack, but it's too late I've already started scratching my arm and slightly hyperventilating. One of he girls noticed my behaviour and got the guys to chase the crowd away while the other girl scolded my brother. She was distracting me while moving me without my realisation until I was in a dorm room tht wasnt mine. Well it wasnt much of a dorm room more like a small on campus house. It looked sick and I started counting things like the number of bored games the had out and the number of band poster on their walls. I didnt realise there were other people until one of them sneezed bringing me out of my daze. My hand felt sticky and something was running down my wrist and onto the floor but that didn't stop my scratching. There were many gasps when they noticed tht I was dripping blood. At tht point I felt strong arms and a familiar sent in my system.

"I'm so sorry I was blinded by my rage seeing you in justa sports bra without a shirt I didnt mean to yell at you I was so stupid but you're fine now. You're safe here. They can't get you." He whispered to me in a soft and claiming tone.

Once I got hold of myself I looked at the damage I had done to myself and I was mortified. I have never scratched through so many layers of skin. It was getting close to my bone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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