You lied, I believed

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"Fuck you nigga! Fuck you, fuck you, FUCK YOU!"


Y/n's parents argued


And again

And again..

She was so sick of her parents arguing for the same reasons. They always fought when the other cheated. It repeats over and over again.
Y/n always waited for their divorced since she was 8.

It wasn't until years later, after her disappearance her parents split up

But that's not to be discussed now

She realized at a young age her parents love were made in hell, so their love brought hell, but nevertheless, they were made for each other.

She doesn't remember when, but she just started watching them fight, sometimes it brought amusement to her.

But also sometimes it would get physical.
So she stay in her room and turn her TV all the way up to tune out the things breaking and the hard punches and slaps both parents would gift eachother.

And the next day, when y/n would ask her parents what happened..

They would lie

Lie and say everything's fine

That everything is ok

That they love eachother


You were sick of the lies they told you

There's only one truth you know in this family though,

Is that they love you to death.
They would stop their 'lovers quarrel' to rise hell to earth if anything were to happen to you.

One thing you will always appreciate from them.

"We love you so much y/n..we will always be here for you.."

Your mother kissed all over your face as your father nodded his head in agreement. He side eyes your mother and softly pushed her away from you. He took his turn to kiss all over your face, his mustache tickling your skin as he does.

"Mommy's right y/n, we love you so much. And I would personally cause hell on this damned earth if anything were to happen to you."

"Watch your mouth Malik" your mother scolded

"Nisha, I didn't even say anything bad, right

"Daddy didnt say anything but the truth" you shrugged. Your father chuckled as he gave you a high five.

Your mother rolled her eyes at your father but couldn't stop smiling at her small family in front of her.

I love my parents, I love the life I used know

I believed everything was going smoothly, despite the fights and arguments

Until that




I was captured.


[404 words]

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