Desuhiko Thunderbolt x F! Reader (Smut?)

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Your POV:
You, another one of the Master Detectives from the Nocturnal Detective Agency, were sitting on the couch in the submarine...You were going over a file on a case you were currently working on..When all of a sudden, you heard the sub's door open...You glanced up to see Desuhiko, you're..Colleague, to put it nicely...You just rolled your eyes and looked back down to read the case...'Great. Now BOTH of us are alone together..' You thought to yourself before sighing quietly....

Desuhiko was humming happily to himself as he came into the main room of the sub..His backpack bouncing as he walked in..He then noticed you before whistling in a suggestive way then walking over to you..He chuckled slightly then said..."Heey, y/n!..What'ca working on?" He would then lean slightly down to take a peek at what you were reading. "Ooh, someone's busy, huh? Let me know if you need a big, smart, man to help you out!~" He flexed before winking at you.

You scoffed then rolled your eyes..He seemed slightly hurt by that reaction and just went to go sit down in the other couch across from you..After he sat down, there was a few moments of silence..Before Desuhiko cleared his throat, he didn't seem to like it being quiet..Well...Not while you were in the room anyway...."S-..So, uhh...How's the case going anyway?..Do you need any help, or?-...I-I mean..You're so smart and intelligent that I highly doubt you'd need any help!..I-..I'm sorry, I'll shut up now." He smiled sheepishly at you before cowering his head down and looking away from you.

You sighed softly and glanced up at him before looking back down at your file again..You stayed silent for a good few seconds which only made him even more nervous for some reason before saying. "The case is going swimmingly. Thank you for the concern you have for my work but I assure you that I don't require assistance". You looked up at him and gave him a slight smile. He seemed a bit defeated when you admitted that you didn't need any help but when he looked up at you to see you smiling at him, he seemed to lighten up a bit.

"O-Oh..Okay. Just...Let me know if you do need help with anything..Well, in case you do need help." He said with a slight chuckle and smile. You sighed and rolled your eyes, still smiling a bit before patting down on the seat next to you..."I don't really need help..But I wouldn't mind so feedback on my work so far..Maybe we can brainstorm a bit..If you'd like?" He happily took your offer to sit next to you..He got up from his seat and instantly sat down beside you as he glanced down at the file still in your hands. "Nah, I'm good..You look like you've got it covered." He then brought out his guitar from his humongous backpack and looked over at you as he strummed the strings a bit. "But maybe you'd like some working music?" He offered when a sheepish expression. You just chuckled slightly before nodding a bit then going back to work...He smiled and nodded then began strumming his guitar, playing a soothing melody with the strings....

Around half an hour later you began to grow tired and decided it'd be best to take a break for now..You sighed softly then closed the file..Laying it down on the desk in front of you then yawning quietly...Desuhiko noticed your tiredness and stopped playing his guitar...Placing it down to the side before scooting a bit close too you, smiling softly..."Y-Ya know..If you're tired, I wouldn't mind lending you a shoulder to rest on." He said awkwardly with a sheepish expression as he gave you a nervous wink. You rolled your eyes before thinking for a moment...You decided, "Ehh, what the hell..I am tired and a quick nap wouldn't hurt...Plus, it's Desuhiko, he wouldn't try anything..He's too much of a pussy too." You looked over at him then gently grabbed one of his hands..Moving your other one to his waist...You then layed your back onto the couch, laying Desuhiko on top of you...

Though you couldn't see his face, you could tell he was probably blushing a lot. You could hear slight panting coming from him before he sighed softly...He stayed in place before saying nervously..."C-..Can I-?...M-May I...." He paused before looking up at you. "May I pretty please kiss you?..Please, y/n...I-I..I...!-" You just cut him off..Your hand that was holding his hand was now on his cheek, your other hand on his waist..You had leaned forward and gave him a soft, passionate, kiss...He stayed quiet...His breathing becoming shallow and quick, as he desperately kissed you back..Not wanting the kiss to end....After a few seconds, you pulled away, looking at him...He was blushing heavily, panting softly and crying slightly with tears of ecstasy...."Y-Y..Y/n~" He whined your name. "Please, please, please, please, please, please, PLEASE, kiss me again!~....PLEASE!..I-I..I need it~....I need you~". He begged as he looked at you expectantly and desperately....You smiled slightly before leaning forward again..Giving him another, soft yet passionate, kiss....

He gently gripped on your sleeves as he leaned more into the kiss..Trying to taste your lips even more...He made soft whimpering and panting sounds as you two continued to kiss....You held him in place before pulling away again..Looking at him as you try to catch your breath...He panted softly yet rapidly as his hands continued to cling on your arms..."I-I...I love you y/n..!~" He shouted before hugging you..Wrapping his arms around you as he buried his face into your chest, nuzzling you a bit with his nose....You sighed softly and rolled your eyes as you smiled slightly...Hugging him in return and playing with his hair a bit as you two eventually led to falling asleep on the couch....

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2023 ⏰

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