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This is the first chapter over again I was trying to fix some writing but it deleted so here is the first chapter again and I'm working on the second sorry it's taking long <3


I woke up to my alarm instantly getting a bit mad because I hate waking up early "ugh" i turned the alarm off and got dressed for school also doing my hair, brushing my teeth, ect.

i went downstairs to see my mom already drinking like she always does, she been drinking ever since dad left and could get abusive at some times, i quietly got some bread not to disturb her i put it in the toaster and waited as i got four water bottles, two for me and two for Robin knowing he always forget's water.

after my toast was done i got it and put it on a plate quietly and put butter on it, the sat down and ate it.

my mom looked at me "i dont want you talking to that boy again, you hear me?" She said talking about robin, I look at her "yeah, i understand" she nodded and took another drink of alcohol "now go to school before your late" i nodded and washed my plate, then picked up my backpack, i said bye to my mom then headed out.

I walked to school while listening music thinking about robin and how much i love him, me and robin have been dating for almost year, a couple of months after me and my mom moved out here when my dad left, my first day of school was hard, i didn't expect it to have so many bullies but that is how me and robin met.

*first day of school*

The first day of school someone was already picking on me but i didn't give a fuck and just minded my business but as i was on my way to lunch a kid who looked kinda big pushed me, i looked back at him "what the fuck?!" i said madly pushing him back, he looked a litte surprised "what are you doing here newbie? you dont belong here" a crowd started to form around us "none of your fucking business, you ass muncher" it started to get a little heated "what did you say to me?!" i look at him not scared one bit "you heard me" i noticed he got a little closer, i got ready just in case if he was gonna swing, which he did, i ducked then kicked his leg knocking him to the ground, more people surrounded us as it got more louder from my move, i got ontop of him and started punching him in face drawing blood as my knuckles bled, i hit him once more then got off of him "dont touch me ever again or i'll do worse next time".

I left then went to the girls
bathroom cleaning my knuckles
"sharp ass teeth" i cleaned up then
went to my first class, the teacher
introduced to the class and had me
sit by a boy named robin, i sat down
and listened to the teacher as he
was teaching, mid class i felt something drip from my hands, i look at it and saw the blood "shit" i
whispered, "i assume that was from moose?" a voice next to me said, i
look to my side to see the boy the teacher told me to sit next to, he had shoulder length hair and was wearing a bandana "If thats his name, yeah" he laughs "you fucked him up real good" i laugh "yeah, he has some sharp ass teeth, almost like i was fighting a shark" he laughs "you can come to my house after school and i'll take care of it" i smile "yeah sure, thanks" he smiles and
nods "of course, by the way, im robin
arellano" he put his hand out "Y/n, Y/L/n" i shook his hand, he smiles,
after school that day he helped me with my hand and we became really good friends and grew feeling for eachother, a couple of months later we starting dating.

*back to present time*

I got to school meeting up with robin, i smile seeing him "hey beautiful" he smiles "Hi dork" i smile and hug him, he hugs back "how did you sleep?" he asked, i look up at him "i slept good, how bout you?" i ask, "good" he replies, i nod "now lets get to class before were late" he nods "okay" he walks with me to class "my mom said she doesn't want me talking to you anymore but i dont give one shit" we both laugh "wanna work on the project after school?" he asked "sure" i said smiling.

we both walked into class and sat next to eachother and did our work after class was over, i said bye to robin because we didn't have this period together but i did have this one with finney, i went to class and sat down next to finn "Hey Y/n" i smile "hey finn, how are you?" "i'm good, and you?" he smiles "i'm good, Thanks for asking" he nods "i have a game later, wanna go?" i smile "sure, i'm sure robin will wanna come too" I say taking my stuff out of my bag for class "okay, thanks" he says doing the same.

after school i met back up with robin "hey robin, wanna come with me to finn's game? after that we can go to your house and work on the project" he smiles "sure, what time does it start?" i look at the time on the clock "in an hour, we should get going" he nods and takes my hand as i take it back while smiling and we walk to the park for finn's game.



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2023 ⏰

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