End of the worlds

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End of the World's.

"I alone will bring about the end of the worlds!" Azud voice echoed.

Azud flies towards the moon, fuelled by a desire to destroy every planet and anyone blocking his path to dictatorship. Drenched in anger his eyes ablaze with the determination to become the king of the universe, no doubt, he reigns as the most powerful being in the universe but he's the cruellest the world has ever seen.

As Azud soared through the air out of nowhere a sword streaked toward him at incredible speed. The blade crackled with lightning, a dazzling display of its swift and electrifying approach.

The sword's forceful blow sent Azud hurtling down from the heavens like a celestial cascade. He fell fast, and when he hit the ground, Buildings broke, the ground shook, and it turned into total chaos. Azud's fall changed everything in the peaceful place.

" Aliyaaaaar" Azud Roared in pain and shouted, "you have to pay for this".

His voice echoed all over the earth, making a big impact. The windows of buildings couldn't withstand the force, cracking under the pressure. Simultaneously, the sky lit up with flashes of lightning, adding an eerie glow to the atmosphere. Streetlight bulbs, unable to bear the intensity, burst in a shower of sparks, casting the surroundings into sudden darkness.

"Enough, Azud! You can't destroy the world for your ambitions," A strong voice cut through the chaos, urgent and commanding.

"Stay away! There's no need for you to interfere. Live your life!" Azud shouted arrogantly.

"I won't stand by and let people suffer your cruelty. I won't tolerate death and won't allow someone like you to rule the world solely for your own sake or so-called ambitions. This world deserves better!" The words carried a resolute intensity, a fervent plea for justice and compassion.

Azud ignored and once again, he started flying towards the moon.

"Air Slash!" The command tore through the surroundings, felling trees and sending a rapid wave of destruction hurtling towards Azud.

"Magic circle 'Sheild'" Azud commenced crafting a magical circle to block the attack

Azud managed to lessen the impact of the attack, but he got hit in mid-air before he could finish creating the magic circle.

Azud, infuriated, glared at Aliyar with flames in his eyes. Tension filled the air as Azud, fuelled by anger, was determined to eliminate Aliyar, who stood as a barrier to his ambitions, Angry and charged, Azud's fingertips glowed with flames, a clear sign of the burning rage within.
Azud raised his voice, chanting, "Magic circle, Blazing fire."

The fire, commanded by Azud's words, flowed toward Aliyar like a fiery stream, ready for a fierce clash.

With a crazy laugh, Azud said, "You try to stop me? Well, now die in peace." The unsettling words echoed, emphasizing the dark determination in Azud's intent.

Quick as a heartbeat, Aliyaar skilfully fought back, spinning his sword with expertise. A strong wind formed a protective shield around him, showcasing his determination. The clash of magical forces filled the air, proving Aliyaar's steadfast resistance to Azud's unrelenting attack.

"I'm here to stop you, not to die and abandon the world to face your cruelty alone."

Aliyaar spoke with anger.

Aliyaar chanted, "Magic circle, Air Slash," and swung his sword through the air toward Azud. The slash created a powerful force that surged towards Azud, marking the path of the attack.

"You think that's gonna stop me, pal!" Azud shouted in anger, flames dancing on his fingertips. Suddenly, a sword materialized in Azud's hands, and he retaliated with a swift counterattack against Aliyaar.

The clash of swords n mid-air reverberated, creating a powerful impact in the surroundings

Aliyaar charged at Azud with a furious expression, his sword held high. Azud was also ready for the fight, squared off against him.

"I won't hold back now, Aliyaar. You know me, you know what I'm capable of. This is your last chance, or else you'll face death, my best friend," Azud declared, his words tinged with anger.

"Our friendship was a different chapter in the book, but now we're on a page where only war can bring justice. Even if it means sacrificing my life for it, I aim to liberate the world," Aliyaar responded.

"Alright, let's clash our swords and see who emerges as the conqueror or the one you deem as justice," Azud declared, charging towards Aliyaar for the attack.

"Let's go, Azud!" Aliyaar yelled, brandishing his sword in the air, ready for the fight.

Aliyaar and Azud lunged into action, a clash of opposites. Aliyaar's sword sliced the air with precision, Azud countered the attack with his fire blazing sword.

Steel met fire with resounding clashes. Aliyaar's blade deflected Azud's fiery onslaught, creating a barrier of sparks. Azud's flames licked at Aliyaar's defences, testing his limits.

Azud's eyes narrowed, a determined glint within both. With a powerful thrust, he advanced, each step calculated. Aliyaar retreated, and every attack is getting tough to block.

"He's undeniably powerful. I'm drenched in blood, yet I haven't left a single scratch on him," Aliyaar thought to himself.

Gathering strength in his sword, he launched an attack at Azud.

"You think this can stop me?" Azud smirked, effortlessly blocking the assault.

Their battle echoed through the arena, an intricate dance of danger and strategy. Aliyaar sword sang through the air, striking with precision. Azud countered with bursts of flames that danced in unpredictable patterns.

Aliyaar's blade carved through the flames, closing the distance. A swift kick knocked Aliyaar off balance, momentarily disrupting his control over the sword. Azud seized the opportunity, pressing his advantage.

Azud rallied, his eyes blazing as he channelled his magic circle. Fire surged around him, forming a barrier of searing heat.

"No, no, no! He's unleashing it," Aliyaar exclaimed in fear.

The arena became a fiery inferno, flames consuming every inch.

"Survival is becoming daunting. Please, save the universe for me," Aliyaar implored, gazing at the moon with anguish in his prayer.

Aliyaar tightened his grip on the sword, raising it towards the sky.

"I Command the god of swiftness, mighty one who cuts through evils for justice. Aid me in using this attack to bring an end to this and deliver justice to the universe.

The sword illuminated the darkness, gathering a mysterious power.

With unwavering resolve, Aliyaar declared, "I've told you before, you won't conquer this universe while I'm here."

About to unleash his full power, Aliyaar, injured and unable to handle the sword's might, was caught off guard. Azud, moving with incredible speed, swiftly closed the distance, choking Aliyaar with flames in his palms. Unable to hold on, Aliyaar dropped his sword.

"The Death is waiting for your Justice." Azud proclaimed, his demeanor veering into madness.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2023 ⏰

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