Chapter 1: Light and Shadow (Part 1)

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"In the distant past, people lived at ease. content in mind and body for all ages." A voice began. "In the land of Hyrule, three sacred lights descended into the lands that came to be known as the Sacred Realm. But soon, word of the Sacred Realm spread through Hyrule, and a great battle ensued. Among those living in the light, interlopers who excelled  at magic appeared. Wielding powerful sorcery, they tried to establish dominion  over the Sacred Realm. Their attempts  of seizing the Sacred Realm angered the goddesses, so they ordered the four light spirits to intervene and sealed away their magic into the 'Fused Shadow'. Furthermore... the interlopers were exiled to the Twilight Realm through the Mirror of Twilight, never to associate with the world of light again. The days pass... in the Twilight Realm, they had made their own descendants and had unknowingly formed their world. The two worlds were like twin children, and existed like two sides of a coin. Light and Shadow. However, the old traditions of the Light World were left behind... the Kingdom of Hyrule soon revolved around a Royal Family and a castle, and rejoiced in an era of peace and prosperity. The average civilian was completely ignorant of the existence of a parallel world of Shadows.

"It's quiet." A pink dragon wearing a black enchanted robe said. "When time passes in the jet-black darkness, you become enveloped in the gentle air of Twilight."

"I'm Cassie." the pink dragon said. "People call me the 'Twilight Princess'.  There is a tradition of magic that lives among us. Though it does not compare to the power that sealed long ago... the Twili who are deemed of the strongest magic, are to dedicate themselves as the leader of the realm. Right now, I am the leader of the Twilight Realm."

A golden wolf was beside Cassie, the Twilight Princess.

"The Twilight Realm is most beautiful." Cassie said to the golden wolf. "I've loved this land from the bottom of my heart. When my father, the late King, passed away, there were two candidates for the next leader, me, and Zak, my father's close aide. However, Zak was suspected by the parliament as an ambitious dragon, and was removed as a candidate. Zak was clearly unhappy with that. He'd always had his eyes on the throne of the Twilight Realm. And so, he tried establishing dominion through force! The mutations started with the librarians of the palace."

Cassie remember what Zak had done with the librarians, turning them into evil Twilight Monsters!

"What is the meaning of this?" the head Twili said. "The Twili are changing forms..."

Soon after, Zak had transformed everyone, including the head Twili, into his evil henchmen.

"You are my servant..." Zak told his new henchman. "You will obey me."

"Yes." the Twilight Monster said, in a corrupted voice. "Master. Order me as you please."

Cassie and the golden wolf spotted the Twili Monsters in the palace.

"What's the meaning of this...?" Cassie asked a Twili.

"It's Zak!" the Twili responded as he was about to turn into a monster. "It's his magic!! Princess Cassie, you must run quickly, anyone who inhales the black mist will turn into a beast!!"

"You... must... run... away." the Twili's final words were said as he was turned into a monster.

Frightened at the sight, Cassie starts running away.

"Nothing bad is happening." A shadowy dragon said to Cassie, causing her to stop. "They are all turning into my precious servants. Now the Twili will be much happier than when they were oppressed civilians."

"Zak..." Cassie shouted. "What is the meaning of this?! Bring the Twili back to their original form!!"

"The custom here is that one who wields the strongest magic becomes leader..." Zak told Cassie. "If you are truly a leader, then you should be able to turn the Twili back to normal with your powers."

"What?!" Cassie exclaimed.

"O Twilight Princess Cassie." Zak said to the Twilight Princess. "I would like you to give me your fragment of the 'Fused Shadow'."

"The Fused Shadow...?" Cassie asked. "The spirits of light are in control of that. It couldn't possibly be here. You were the King's close aide and you didn't even know that?"

"I do now." Zak answered. "The Royal Family had always told lies. When our ancestors were exiled to the Twilight Realm, the Fused Shadow was split into four pieces. Three pieces are spread around the Light World, and the last one... should be in possession of the Twilight Royal Family."

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Cassie said, preparing her magic with her hands. "And even if I did have it, I would never hand it to you!"

"With the Fused Shadow, I'll become one with the powerful ancient magic." Zak said, preparing a magic spell. "I will obtain it. I will merge Shadow and Light to make "Darkness", and become the king that rules over it all!!"

"You will not!!" Cassie said, casting her spell on Zak which was ineffective.

Zak unleashes a much more powerful spell on Cassie, causing her robe and body to be singed.

"It wasn't Zak's usual power." Cassie thought. "What was it that made him change so much?"

Suddenly, the golden wolf was just about to attack Zak.

"You aggravating little beast!" Zak said, powering up another spell. "I'll absolutely not have you server under me. Disappear."

Zak uses his new power to cause the golden wolf to disappear somehwere.

"I was crushed." Cassie said. running away from the scene. "Everything was taken from me. Everything had slipped into darkness, into Zak's hands. I would only run. I could only run."

Then, Cassie kneeled down on both knees, looking into the ground.

"Someone..." she said. "Someone save us from this crisis!!" Someone drive away the jet-black darkness that covers the Twilight Realm! Anyone...!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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