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(Helloooo~! This story is going to be a series of self-inserts, with you included! join me as I interact with [or destroy] plots.)

A girl with a messy pony tail, a sleeveless turtleneck top and black sweat pants sit on a black couch. "huh...?" This, is LJ! "what the fu-" she doesn't do much... just sits on her phone, wasting her hours daydreaming of impossible scenarios. "calling out much.... wait- are you a stalker?!"  Usually she paces around the room while doing this, but she had a feeling something new was coming... something big... and then she disappears! "what do you me- AAAAAAA-" hehe.

(enjoy this crappy story of a lazy waste of time!)

If I was a separate character in games/series/ movies!Where stories live. Discover now