Y/n's Backstory

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This is the story of a girl named Y/n, and it starts with,



My parents died when I was just a baby. How they died, still a mystery to me. Everyone refuses to tell my anything about their death for some reason, the only thing that they have told me is how I was found.

Tia Julieta found me, alone in my nursery in my old home. You see, Tia Julieta and my mom were very close, they grew up playing with each other. They were best friends.

Tia brought me to her home and explained everything to Abuela, and the family agreed to take me in.

But the thing is, I was never adopted, as in I still have my last name. Why? Oh, because Tia Julieta wanted me to keep my last name. She says it's because she wanted me to decide whether I wanted to stay a part of my family's name or be in a forever family with a new last name.

But I think that she just wants to my mothers name live on. She sees my mother in me, and I think she feels that I'm the last piece of her that she'll ever see, and she wants to hold on to that.

There's something I forgot to mention...

My mothers side of my family was a lot like the Madrigal's, they had gifts too. Except it wasn't the whole, 'you get a gift from a candle,' kind of thing. No, they were born with it.

I was too, naturally, but my parents never got to see me grow with it.

My gift is something I like to call, 'magic,' but Abuela's 'scientific' name for it is, 'Energy Manipulation.' Sounds sick, right?

But there's one problem, with my parents dead, my gift started fading when I was little. That's why I have a door now!

Abuela was scared that I was going to fully lose my gift so she arranged a gift ceremony for me. And it worked!

My gift came back stronger, and I have a cool, new room now.

As I grew up with the family, I got close to everyone as they did with each other.

But there was one Madrigal in particular that hit it off with me really well...

Lucky guess, it's Camilo! Yeah, him and I have been attached by the hip since I don't know how long. He's my best friend in the whole world, my ride or die.

But recently, I've felt just the tiniest bit different around him. Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad feeling, it's a good feeling.

But it's like my heart skips half a beat and my breath starts to hitch whenever we hug, or talk, or even just seeing him.

But that doesn't matter right now, what's important is what's for the family.

And that, my friend, is my story, and it starts,

with family.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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