Chapter 1 - Today is Today

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Today is great day she get up,wash her body and eat breakeast with her family she already go to school to say goodbye for his family she said "Bye Mom,Bye Dad im gonna off to schoold!" And Sayuki "Becarful my baby girl" Zuko Said "i hope you would not hurt anything for your school". "Okay Dad I got it" and she off soon she ride on bicycle and land to her school and thanks god for her isn't late for her class. After that the teacher already here some ready for teching for test paper at the end of class she reviled because she already studying yesterday in lunch time she sit with other and then....there some meanie girl and popluar kid bully but she couldn't care when lunch time is done she go back to class and sit for some new "alright class this day would be project tomorrow" teacher said that "oh yes i can't wait for this" Carla said that at a time 1:00 pm the class is already finished she pack her bag soon the meanie girl up say "Heyyy girl~watcha got there?" "Uhhh i'm just about pack my stuff so...what wrong?" Carla said that "Oh nothing to see you smartest hair head" And Meanie Girl laughing but Carla doesn't offened doesn't care and left for good "Hey we don't fisnished you Orange Head come back grrr!!!". After That She finally arrvied her home and even parents too but her hand is shaking "What the-?" Carla said that but goes back normal and she said "that so weird...anyway" she enter anyway.

(This is first time making story about her i'm know i'm not good at wirting or not....but try my best okay right bye-bye!!!).

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