Part 1: Escape

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            the mansion: 2:20 pm🌙

Chaz stood there in shock of what just happened then glared at crimson who was already starting at him with a cold and hard stare

Chaz: hey.. I - I can explain..

Chaz looked at crimson then slowly took a step back. Chaz looked around with his eyes for an escape route, the only way out was out was the hole Millie made with his car 

Before Chaz could figure out what to do crimson already had an idea in mind


Crimson snaped then pointed at Chaz

some Goonies looked at chaz and cracked there knuckles and others took out there guns

With chazs "fight or flight" mode on he sprinted towards the big hole in the wall trying his best to doge all the bullets that were getting shot towards him.

While Chaz was for his life running then one of them shot his arm

Chaz groned from the pain in his wounded arm

Chaz: Ah!.. Damn it!

Chaz covered his arm with his hand then but still continued to run towards the hole...Chaz ran through the hole and then spots a one of the Goonies car

Chaz ran to the car and opened it and spotted a dead Goonie in the car. Chaz crawled over the body then saw some broken wires and went down to the bottom of the drivers seat.

Chaz messed around with the wires then got the car to start. Chaz eyes widen then he grinned


Chaz then spead off trying to drive right with the dead body still in the front seat.

Crimson: DAMN IT!


crimson slammed his hat on the ground then started breathing heavily

Crimson turned to his Goonies who were just standing next to him watching Chaz drive away


crimson grabs one of then and starts shaking them violently


Crimson drops the goonie on the ground.

The Goonies run to their cars and speed off towards Chaz

Crimson got in his bodyguards car


Chaz was swerving around then he hit a tree stub on the grassy side where a gas tank was and made the gas spill in the ocean. Then made the car go flying in the air making it land in the water like a rock hitting the bottom of a mountain

When the car landed Chaz slowly took his bleeding head off the dashboard then looked out the window then realized this is time too escape

Chaz took the head rest off of the seat then smashed the window making it shader. Chaz swam out of the windows shaderd glass and swam away from the car.

Chaz heard a huge explosion and turned around to see the car he was just in explode

Chaz looked at the explosion then saw crimson and his Goonies and swam off until he could new grounds away from there.

                    Bridge, 2:30

Chaz finally made it to shore... Chazs body was sore and his shoten started getting in infection from the gassy water

Chaz crawled up under the bridge and put his back on the hard stoned wall then slowly slid down the wall

Chaz landed on the ground then curled up into a ball and started sobbing heavy tears wondering how he will get out of this mess.

Chaz then heard the sound of a horses hoves clancging on rocks coming close to him, Chaz looked up and saw a fiery horse hovering over him with a man on it

Striker: you alright shark boy?

Chaz looked up then saw a snake - like cowboy man looking at him

Chaz: um.. Um yeah.. I guess..

Chaz said kinda mumbling

Striker tilted his head a little then leaned down more towards Chaz

Striker: you sure city boy? You look a little... Lost

Striker said still looking at Chaz with an confused expression and an eyebrow raised

Chaz: well...

Chaz thought of whether to tell him his problems or not

Chaz: Yeah... Yeah I am..

Chaz wiped eyes tears from his eyes then looked up at striker with his eyes glimpseing from bombproofs mane

Striker snickered from chazs weakness

Striker: come on sharky

Striker reached his arm out towards Chaz

Striker: I can help you clean that nasty' wound

Striker winked at Chaz still waiting on Chaz to take his hand

Chaz smiled then took strikers hand

Striker lifted up Chaz then put chaz on bombproofs back

Striker: hold on tight amigo, we have a long way too go!

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