The Beginning

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It is a cold night in America
"Honey, I'm home," Andrei says.

Andrei is a policeman, he believes he is the luckiest man because he has almost everything he dreams of being a policeman, having a sweet wife Emily, and 3 little kids, Andrea, Mark, and John.

"Ok honey, let's eat," Emily said. They eat delicious foods like Mac and cheese, spaghetti Italian style, and of course the iconic fried chicken from the famous fast food chain in their town the Buck and Chick. While eating their son, Mark said that he is getting bullied at school, especially at lunchtime, Andrei was immediately mad. He asked Mark who it was, he said Matthew. The next day Andrei went to school and he shouted at the principal

"What the fuck is happening to my son,"
He said it in a mad voice.
"What?" The principal said
"My son is getting bullied," he said in a mad voice again.
"Um, we can explain," the principal said in a normal voice.
"We can make a solution for this, to make your son safe in this school," the principal said.
"Just make it sure, or else I am going to sue this school* Andrei said in a bit angry voice.
After he talks to the principal he says to Mark if Matthew bullies him again say it to him (Andrei). Mark said "Yes" then Andrei went to his work. He immediately saw his chief presenting, he went inside and his chief saw him and said
"Huh, your late," a serious voice
*I'm sorry sir, I will make sure this won't happen, sir," Andrei said in a serious voice.
"You will be a leader in this operation," the chief said in a serious voice.
He continued his presentation in the operation
" This is a serious operation, the lives of teens are in your hands, you need to bust the CZ-23 drug, this drug made 40 teens crazy, Andrei will be the leader in this operation"
"Huh, again, Andrei will be the leader," the woman  said
" Because of him, we captured many criminals in our operations"
Night, 00:12 am, the operation Crazy starts. They move with silence because there are many guards; the one member who is with the process is gone. When they looked at their back they saw their worker was  dead, with a shot in the head, Andrei said
" Sniper!"
The police immediately hid, and their plan was destroyed, they didn't know how the criminals knew their plan unless there was a person who told them the information. After they hid behind the carriage, they carried their dead co-worker and they were surrounded by the syndicate, and carrying AK-47s. They start shooting them but Andrei acts like a dead person, that's how he avoids death. He immediately reported this to his chief 

"What? How? Where are their bodies? The chief said.

"What? I- I thought they were brought here," Andrei replied.

"Well, they weren't. Are you lying?" The chief replied.

"No, sir," Andrei replied with a serious tone.
"Hm, you need to recover their body," The chief said.
"Sir yes sir," Andrei replied with a shout.
He got home expecting that his wife was there but he didn't expect what happened, she was not at home and there were only his sons and daughters. He asked them what happened to their mother, they said that she would come home.
"Did you eat?" Andrei asked them and they said
"Yes, Mark cooked it"
"What?" Andrei replied with a shouting voice.
"She just said it at 7 pm," They replied.
Andrei nod
At 11:30 pm, Emily came home and immediately got into bed, Andrei tried to hug her.
"What the hell Andrei!!!" Emily said with an angry tone.
"Why?" Andrei replied with a little sad tone
"I- I am uncomfortable" Emily replied.
"O- ok," Andrei replied with a little sad tone.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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