Chapter 1

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Spring, Day 1

"Sometimes, good things fall apart so better things could fall together." — Marilyn Monroe

"If you're reading this, you must be in dire need of a change."

You could say that again. May's head rattled against the bus window, the rolling countryside passing unnoticed by her glassy eyes. Her hand grasped the handle of her suitcase just a little tighter. It wasn't much, save for some extra clothes and basic toiletries, but it was hers, and the last familiar thing she had.

"The same thing happened to me, long ago. I'd lost sight of what mattered most in life... real connections with other people and nature. So I dropped everything and moved to the place I truly belong."

Behind her on the bus, a man coughed. It sounded gross, phlegmy. Hard to drop everything when you have nothing left to drop, May couldn't help but think bitterly. Change was indeed what she needed, but with her recent life seemingly being made up of nothing but change, it was hard to view more of it as any sort of antidote.

"I've enclosed the deed to that place... my pride and joy: Holly Farm. It's located in Stardew Valley, on the southern coast. It's the perfect place to start your new life."

The man coughed again. He had been coughing the entire ride. Surely we must be close? May had never been to Stardew Valley before. She had heard her grandfather talk about it with love and nostalgia every once in a while, sure, but never once had she herself ever set foot on Holly Farm.

"This was my most precious gift of all, and now it's yours. I know you'll honor the family name, my dear. Good luck."

A baby began to cry. May closed her eyes, pulling her suitcase closer against her legs. Please let us be close.

"Love, Grandpa."

I love you too, Grandpa. Her brow furrowed, eyes squeezing shut slightly.

"P.S. If Lewis is still alive, say hi to the old guy for me, will ya?"

The breaks to the bus screeched and May could feel the vehicle finally beginning to slow down. A robotic voice sprang to life from the speakers throughout the bus.

"Now stopping at: Pelican Town!" the voice said, cheerfully. "Next stop: Calico Desert." A desert? Grandpa had never mentioned a desert... May took a breath and stood, stumbling over the seat next to her as she stepped into the aisle. She picked up her suitcase awkwardly and hobbled to the front of the bus, looking apologetically towards those in the seats her suitcase bumped on the way there. Finally making it to the door, May couldn't help but feel a pang of fear. She had spent every second of the ride yearning just to be there already, but now that the time was upon her to get off, she only wished that she had more time. Alas, change waited for no one. She waved her thanks to the bus driver and stepped off.

As if only noticing her surroundings for the first time, May finally began to take in what would be her new home. Mountains covered in maples, oaks, and pines rose with calm glory on either side of the valley with a sleepy river meandering its way slowly through the landscape. The bus stop wasn't much, save for a path made up of well-worn dirt. There wasn't even a sign, much less a place to sit. The grass grew long and wild with weeds, like not many people spent any time here. May supposed that made sense, though. Pelican Town didn't seem like the kind of place that people traveled to or left very often. She took her very first deep breath of the crisp mountain air that still felt as if it was only just waking up from its winter slumber.

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