•Chapter VIII (2)•

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VIII. His Thunderous Anger

It was not really Caesar's plan to kill Alexander. It was not revealed for it was clandestine.

I was just relaxing in my room, reading a book. Even though I was worried about the my brother and the others around Caesar, I did not worry because they are quite numerous. If he committed murder, many will see it. But he would not do murder just like a snap of two fingers.

Well, I was wrong. I keep saying that he is intelligent. But in reality; he just have power that we cannot just win against.

I never realized that my brother would die at such a young age. How will the citizens react? How will Stella react? Most importantly... Can my heart take all of this pain?

A servant knocked and opened the door without my permission. At first, it felt rude. But after telling me why; I understood.

"Your Highness!" He said as he tresspassed.

I turned my head with an irritated face...

"Excuse me, John?! I want privacy. Youcould have waited fir my permission!"

"I would have done that but your brother... He was found dead with no clear killer."

I stood up in shock.

"You are not kidding, are you?" I had to at least make sure.

"Have I ever lied to you, Your Highness?"

"That is a great reason. Let us go."

We sprinted as we talk what ever happened.

"What happen? How did it happen?" I questioned.

"His Highness, Prince Julian, reported this to the king because he had found Bane and Caesar beside the deceased body." Even if I asked this question, I was still distracted by hearing my brother dead.

"So much for a boy's hangout." He added.

You know, if I was in a great mood, I would probably would have scolded him for that.

Alas, we are in the great hall. Entering as I teared up. I am just destined to witness that many deaths. I went to my place to where I shall stand. I can see my father's eyes, getting angrier ever second.

I weakly walked to Bane. Tapping his shoulder from behind.

"What happened?" I whimpered.

"Your brother is dead—"

"No! No! Not that! I meant... How did it happen?!" I interrupted him. I do not know who to trust now.

"I have no more time to explain. But trust me... Caesar did it. Not me. I want you to trust in that information." For Bane's beautiful eyes... I was persuaded. I know Bane would not do such things... Would he?

"Arabella, stay away from them for a moment." My father ordered. Of course, I did it. I did not know who actually killed my brother.

The three boys were lined up, in the order left to right:

Caesar, Julian, and Bane.

"Which one of you actually killed my beloved son?!" My father seemed angry.

Caesar and Bane pointed at each other as Julian stood there silently.

"I want to hear Julian's side of the story." I said aloud.

"Even if you are not in the conversation, I guess we could hear his point of view." Good thing my father agreed to this.

"I left to go to the bathroom both of them knows it. I was walking back peacefully 'til I heard a loud bang of a gun. Hearing it made me run. When I entered the room, I saw Caesar and Bane beside Alexander's body." I hope Julian is not lying...

He was not. This is also a time of crisis. Caesar on the other hand...

"It is true." Caesar said aloud, "The gun that was used to kill your precious son was beside Bane. Maybe it was because he set it down there."

"I never bring illegal items like those!"

Josephine is vexed... Staring. Good thing her brother did not actually did it. Of course, they are friends after all. Without them being close, I would never have met Josephine.

"I did not kill him, you pathological liar!" Bane shouted as he looked at Caesar with all his anger. It seems like he was just trying to control himself not to unleash the demon within him.

"Pathological liar? I have never lied in my whole life!" He yelled back.

That was obviously a lie. Remove ten points from Heaven of that lie.

I could not stop crying. It hurts. Not seeing my brother interrupting my reading... Now, Bane is being angry. I have never seen him so exasperated! So... Irated!

"Your blood blood on your hands say so!" Caesar added.

"I was putting pressure on the bullet hole!"

"You know... That never works." Caesar mumbled.

"Enough!" My father yelled, "I do not know who killed my son. So be honest. And tell me every reason why you think the other killed Alexander."

"Your Royal Highness. I think His Highness, Prince Bane, killed your beloved son."

"And how so, Caesar? Tell us your dishonest side of your story." Bane said with a disgusted countenance.

"I do not need to." Caesar said as he smirked. I tilted my head to the left in confusion.

"Hence...?" The king enunciated.

"I, Caesar Declan Denouement,
A prince of a country with the highest status than the others. If you do not believe, rest assured, this kingdom will sink it water."

"He cannot do that, father!"

"That is unfair, Your Highness!" Bane said aloud. He started to breathe heavily.

"I hate you. You know yourself that you actually killed Alexander!" Bane yelled out of shock. His thunderous anger... His cold dragon is coming out within his pure soul.

"Bane..." My father murmured. "You are... Exiled from the country of Lumiere. If you d-dare let your face show up in front of any c-citizen or aristocrat, you will be executed."

I fell on my knees in utter shock. I cannot believe what has happened. My father has no power against the Denouements. We are only the second highest in power. Arataxia comes in third. But the richest country is Vronti. We come in last after the two nations.

"With all due respect, you were not even there!! Listen to yourself! You are utterly ridiculous!" Bane yelled as he took a few steps closer to the throne.

I covered my eyes as I wailed. I will never see Bane again.

So this is what Alexander felt.

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