Like our Tears

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"Hyung, when will it happen? The fight?" _____ said as she watched TV. I rolled my eyes at her. "One, you're a girl, I don't like it if you call me hyung. So it's oppa or boss for you. And two, you are definitely not participating!" She straightened herself on the couch and looked at me. "Oppa, I am just as deep in this as you and the others are, so I AM participating, girl or not!" I shook my head and looked away. "Ani, you are too young."
"What?! But Zelo is younger than me!"
"And he is a boy."
"But Yongguk, I want to fi..." I interrupted her before she could finish her sentence. "Stop it! You are not fighting and that's it! Feel free to leave if you can't live with my decision."
She stared at me for a few seconds before grabbing her bag. "Fine!" she yelled, slamming the door as she left.
I let out a sigh. Why did she have to be so stubborn? Why couldn't she just accept my decisions?!

The rest of the week she didn't come back to our dorm and she didn't attend the gang meetings. But every night I went to her parents' house and I would wait until I was sure she was safe inside her room. The fact that she didn't answer my calls made me realize that I had ruined it. It hurt, but it was better like this, safer.

Two weeks passed. Slowly and lonely. I missed her, but I stopped going to her house, because Daehyun told me it was time to let her go. So I focused as hard as I could on the preparation for the fight that would take place soon. Next morning we'd be fighting one of the strongest gangs in the city: Block B.
"Guys, we've talked through our strategy for about a million times. They are with seven, but I'm sure we can win. Now go and get some sleep." I told the boys before going to sleep myself.

"Boss, wake up! They're coming!" Himchan woke me up. I got dressed and grabbed my dagger just in time. I saw how Daehyun got hit in the stomach by Taeil, but he fought back and probably broke Taeil's nose. Our maknae Zelo ran into their group and soon I saw how he was trying to strangle their maknae P.O.
Himchan took on a swordfight with Jaehyo. U-Kwon and B-Bomb paired up and fought against Jongup and Youngjae. I just stared at the little rapper walking towards me with a smirk on his face. "Good to see you Yongguk."
"Shut up Kyung, where is Zico?" I asked annoyed.
"He won't be attending the fight. Or at least, not now. That'd be unfair right? 7 against 6? Instead of making this an unfair battle, he is recruiting a new member. I bet you know her very well...Zico was very fond of _____'s fighting skills." As Kyung said her name, a mixture of anger and fear boiled up in the pit of my stomach. Suppressing the need to throw up, I lost control of my emotions. "WHAT THE FUCK!" I screamed as I jumped forward, knocking Kyung over. We both fell to the ground. "You...Son...Of a..." I said in between the punches I launched. I stopped when he spat blood all over his own and my face. "Ji-Jiho will be here soon", Kyung whispered, trying hard not to choke on his own, with blood mixed saliva. I clenched my jaw as I remembered my knife. I took it out of its scabbard and held it against Kyung's neck.
"I'm sorry for what I'm going to do, but I can't forgive you for bringing my girl in danger." I bit my lip, not wanting to cry. "It's fine. I understand it. I have always had a hard time with Zico being in danger too. But think about it Yongguk...You can't really call her yours, can you?" Kyung whispered, smiled at me and put his hand on my shoulder before nodding that he was ready. "Tell Zico I love him." were his last words. He closed his eyes and I slit his throat with one fast movement. I did a quick prayer for him before focusing back on the fight. I skimmed everyone on injuries: Himchan had a deep cut on the side of his face and Jaehyo one on his shoulder. The others didn't have such heavy injuries, except for Taeil's broken nose.
A loud, cheerful voice woke me from my thoughts. "Annyeong, the king is here! I see we are doing gre-", Zico exclaimed happily as he entered the building, until his eyes fell on Kyung's lifeless body.
"K-kyung-ah?" his widened eyes shot up from the corpse to meet mine. "Y-you did that?"
I nodded at his question. "He told me to tell you that he loved you." It was hard to tell him that, like I hadn't already hurt him enough. Zico's lower lip trembled and his eyes filled themselves with tears. "You killed my best friend! My fucking boyfriend!" he yelled. With his fists clenched, he wiped his tears away. "Bang Yongguk, I really wanted to take care of her, but now you've gone too far. _______!"

"______!" I swear it broke my heart when Zico called her name and she walked in.
"An eye for an eye." Zico whispered before I heard a gun fire. Adrenaline raced through my body and I let my feet carry me without realizing it. My brain could only repeat the word "no" as I witnessed how blood started to flow out of the bullet wound in her neck. How her eyes rolled back in their sockets as she fell to her knees. She held her throat, trying desperately to stop the blood from escaping her (carotid) artery.

 "______!" I could barely whisper as I kneeled down in front of the one my heart belonged to. My hands shook when I tried to cup her cheeks, tears blurring my vision. "_____, why? I just wanted to protect you..."

"I'm sorry Yongguk. I'm fine, don't worry. I'm happy as long as you love me." I lowered my head at her words and cried out. I felt how a warm, sticky hand was placed over mine, that was still on her cheek. "Uljima...Oppa." I looked up at her. Bleeding, close to dying and she still smiled.
"______, saranghaeyo. I have loved you ever since I recruited you. No I recruited you because I liked you. I wanted to protect you...Naega silpae." I felt her body weaken. With her eyes half closed, she whispered: "Oppa, I shouldn't be asking this. Jebal, kiss me, just once." I didn't even hesitate and gave her what she wanted immediately. Our lips were desperately moving against each other, aware of the fact that this would be the first and the last kiss we would share. We both cried, our tears dripping down together as if they were meant to be one teardrop from the beginning. 

It was a soothing thought. I remember being content with the thought that our tears portrayed us.
We were meant to be one from the beginning, held onto each other in our dangerous freefall. Meant to be separated as a teardrop that hits the ground...and so you did.
Your cheeks slipped out of my hands and your lifeless body hit the ground. I placed your head on my lap and caressed your lovely hair. I smelled it so I wouldn't forget whom my heart belonged to. Grabbed your soft hands, ignoring the sticky red substance all over them and brought them to my face. I had to make sure I wouldn't forget your love, your touch. But somewhere I already knew that I didn't have to try memorizing you. I turned around, looking at Zico, who held Kyung's lifeless body in his arms, whispering in the dead man's ear as he stroke his hair lovingly. "Zico, please. Save me." I begged him, my voice still raw from crying. His eyes met mine and he nodded. "May God have mercy and reunites the two of you." Were his words before he pulled the trigger and painted my sight black with a single bullet between my eyes.

The End

~ I hope you guys liked it. Leave a comment and tell me what you thought about it :3

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