Chapter One: Runaway

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Chapter One: Runaway

"Any questions before you leave" The teacher asked. Just another boring day in high school with nobody to talk to! I want adventure and fun, like that will ever happen.

"Ally what about you" the teacher asked interrupting my thoughts! "Oh..uh, No, no questions!" I quickly replied! Ugh. I just want to get out of this hell already! I started to pack my stuff because it was already almost time to go. "Ally I didn't say it was time to go yet!" Teachers are so freaking picky! "It's already almost time to go it's not like we can do much when there is only 3 minutes left Mr.Jones" I was already pissed it's not like I already had enough to deal with at home with a single father that doesn't do anything but drink! "Ally I understand but you need to learn to listen!" As if...

"Mr. Jones, it's already time to go!" He looked at the clock and I was right it was already time to leave. "Mrs. Sanders detention now!" He yelled "Whatever!" I said back

My name is Ally Sanders, I'm average size for a sixteen year old girl. I have long dirty blonde, wavy hair that goes down to my hip and light blue eyes! I finally finished packing taking my time so i wouldn't have as much time in detention!

Walking in the room was weird I was never in detention but it was the last day of school and i got detention! At least now I dont have to go to my other classes. It smelled like the first day of school, like a new pet! I didn't recognize anyone in hear but Sarah! Sarah was my best friend! She was 2 inches taller than me and i hated that! Sarah Lane was her name. She had brown straight hair that went down to her shoulders. She was sixteen also and was skinny with green eyes!

"Ally, Ally what are you doing here?" Sarah yelled! The person in charge wasn't in here strangely. "It's the last day of school, who cares!" It's not like I have a perfect record anyway! "Okay then! Well, I heard you in class your pretty loud and very sassy, almost as sassy as me!" I rolled my eyes. "Whatever Sarah! Oh and where's the person in charge of us! Sounds weird saying that!" She laughed for the next minute and i got confused! "Ally, no ones in charge she is never here we do what we want but the teachers dont know!" She finally let out still laughing! I didn't get what was so funny about it but sometimes she laughs at the stupidest things. "Well then maybe I should get detention more!" And then we both started laughing!


The bell finally rang and that meant that the last day of school was over! Me and Sarah started to pack our stuff and leave. "Sarah can you sleepover tonight? Marissa is coming over too!" Marissa Pace is also our best friend but she skipped grades and is now in collage because she is way smarter but she is the same age as us. She has black wavy hair that is dyed red at the bottom! She is also skinny and has very light brown eyes.

"Oh my god! I haven't seen Marissa in forever! Of course I can come over now I was meant to go somewhere but they cancelled so I have extra clothes and my hairbrush and toothbrush!" She was very hyper because Marissa finally graduated and could spend more time with us. "Ok then now we can walk together, and that sounded really weird!" I wasn't usually like this but I was excited to have fun!

We finally got to my house and my little pomeranian, Roxy, came running to me. "ROXY" we both yelled "hey baby wanna go for a walk!" She started wagging her tail and barking like crazy! "Is it Ok?" I asked Sarah "yes of course because I wuv wittle Roxy!" She said. So i grabbed her leash and harness with some water bottles and bags to pick up some stuff! "Let's go!" We ran out the front door and started walking to Starbucks! But the one we are going to allows pets.

It took about five minutes and we were almost there until Roxy decided to get out of her leash! So me and Sarah ran after her as fast as we could without stopping! "ROXY! ROXY STOP!" We were right by a highway and she could get hit by a car! I'm glad Sarah was here because she was a very fast runner and she was also yelling Roxy's name! I was running as fast as i could and ran in between two people knocking them over and making them spill coffee on themselves. They looked oddly familiar, but right now wasn't the time to stop! "I'm so sorry I will buy you new coffee" i yelled back to them! "It's ok" they yelled back! "ROXY PLEASE STOP RIGHT NOW!" I was relieved when i saw Sarah catch. "Sarah thank god!" I said between breaths to her and she was panting also. " we!?" She said in between breaths also. "Of..course!" So we picked up Roxy and Sarah put her in her bag with her head sticking out so she could breathe. We walked into Starbucks sweaty and panting like crazy so we had everyone staring at us. "People stop staring we just chased a dog and saved it from being hit by a car for gods sake!" I yelled and everyone stopped staring and got back to doing what they were doing before. We walked up to the cashier and ordered what we wanted and sat at a table! Oh shoot. I walked up to a table that had the people i knocked over sitting at it. I started reaching in my purse. "Guys I'm so sorry I was chasing my dog an she was gonna get hit!" I said not bothering to look up. "Love it's ok! No need to pay we understand!" He said with a british accent. I looked up and was shocked at what I saw. "Louis Tomlinson?" I said I wasn't the type of fan to scream in their faces. "Yes love would you like to join me for coffee!?" He asked. I was so shocked but when i was about to answer Marissa walked through the door! "MARISSA!" I yelled "Shhh!" The cashier yelled to me! "Dont shush me!" I sassed back. I ran to Marissa as did Sarah and we both hugged her really tight. "Marissa oh my god! We were walking Roxy and then she got out-" i started but then she interrupted me. "I know I know I saw it!" She said laughing "hey it's not funny!" I playfully punched her in the shoulder and accidentally hit her hard! "Ouch!" She whimpered "I'm sorry!" I said "It's ok Ally! Hey Sarah!" Sarah was staring at something but quickly looked back at Marissa once she said that! I chuckled and told them about Louis. "Well where is he?" Sarah asked. "Over there" i said pointing to the table he was sitting at. He was also awkwardly staring at me and another boy walked out of the bathroom and sat next to him. "Louis?" The boy said. It was Niall Horan!

"Uh, hey could we still join you guys?" I asked with Sarah and Marissa beside me on each side. "Of course!" They said. The table had enough seats to fit us all before it was full. "" It came out more of a question. "You know i'm surprised that you girls arent screaming and stuff!" Niall said. "Well we like you guys but we are not those kind of fans!" Sarah explained. "Whew!" Louis said relieved and then Roxy started barking. "Make your dog get quiet!" Someone yelled. "Could you shut up!" I yelled back Roxy jumped out of my bag and ran off! Here we go again! At least we had more help! "ROXY!!" We all yelled before running after her.

A\N Heres chapter one! Hope you like it! :-)

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