The Baku's Creation

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Since the creation of Phantasma, all of the yokai, both young and old, have dreamed various dreams. Unknown to them, these dreams would lead to the creation of a truly unique yokai.

In a sea like void within Phantasma, simply known as the Sea of Dreams, the essence of all of the yokai's dreams coalesced into one, taking the form of a yokai. This yokai had long hair as white as snow, a light pink bow with ends resembling a rabbit yokai's ears, and wore an elegant white dress with ends decorated in frills, as well as stockings with light blue and white stripes, and bright pink shoes.  The yokai slowly opened her eyes, revealing them to be light blue with hints of pink. The yokai was unsure of where she was, and felt like she was both floating and falling at the same time. Before her, she saw images of different yokai floating within the sea. These were the yokai's dreams, and from within the Sea of Dreams, this yokai saw them all. The yokai's curiosity peaked, and she stepped into a dream. To her, it felt like falling through a puddle in a hole in the ground. The dream she saw before was a dream belonging to the young kitsune Mitsue Ishikawa. It was a dream of yearning for strength and power to protect their loved ones. This dream fascinated the yokai, as she had never seen such a creature before, let alone one who wanted to become stronger. She wondered if this was a yokai from the waking world.

As she wondered this, she stepped out of the dream and observed another one. It was a dream of friendship, something that made the yokai smile. She saw more dreams of all different types, all of which fascinated her. She wondered what made all of the yokai in the waking world dream these dreams. Oh, how she dreamed to be among them. But as there are pleasant dreams that exist, there also exist the nightmares. From where she was, floating in the Sea of Dreams, she saw a dream in the form of a dark, purple mist. It was a dream that radiated with fear. The fear of being left all alone. The sight of it brought tears into the yokai's eyes. Was this sadness she was feeling? Then, she saw another nightmare. It was a nightmare of destruction surrounding them. As she saw more and more nightmares, she became more and more overwhelmed. She wanted to see peaceful and happy dreams of the yokai, not nightmares. And at the same time, she wanted to know what being among the waking yokai was like, and to make them have happy dreams. That's when a thought came to her: what if she could split herself? Could such a feat be possible? It wouldn't hurt to try, after all. 

She raised her arm into the air, and with a snap of her fingers, she felt her heart and soul be split from her. Her heart glowed brightly, as a part of it split from her and escaped the Sea of Dreams, entering the waking world. As that happened, the yokai's body began to change. Her beautiful white hair turned into a dark blue, as did her eyes. Her dress changed into a royal shade of blue, as did her stockings, and her shoes became a dark shade of purple as well. At the same time, the other half of her heart transformed into a beast's mouth made of pure magical energy, and was the same color as her hair. The yokai was curious about this strange object, and reached a hand out to it. In an instant, the mouth latched onto her hand, becoming a part of her. Then, it opened its maw, and, with a loud chomp, all of the nightmares were gone, and were turned into peaceful, happy dreams. The yokai looked at the maw, seeing it gulp down the nightmares it had consumed. She was amazed by this newfound power of hers, and she decided to make it her own personal duty to protect the dreams of the waking yokai and to make sure they had peaceful, happy dreams by consuming the nightmares.

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