Life before the fall

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Warning 🚩🚩🚩abuse, light talk of S/A, bullying, thoughts of suicide.🚩🚩🚩🚩

Growing up in a home that showed nothing but pain and pure hate, Mel had to learn on her own what love is... but she learned the hard way...

Throughout the school year she would be constantly bullied and abused. Until Rick grimes, Shane Walsh and Lori Rick's girlfriend stopped it. Mel had never been stuck up for so she was skeptical to why they helped her, and were being nice to her. Until they just took her in as a friend in their group, and made her feel special.

Lori started showing her how to do her make up and what perfumes go better with her natural scent. Soon enough she became 'popular' due to Lori showing her how to be girly. It was unlike Mel to dress up nicely she was used to wearing boys gym shorts and oversized t shirts.

But as life went on they graduated and she was left alone all over again...

Home life became worse and school went back to being hell...

Her parents became addicts and when they couldn't afford to pay for their substance of that month, they would sell Mel off to the dealer...

Mel herself got into weed, and she would make sure to be high whenever she came home from school... to deal with her parents bullshit.

But the night her father ran out of coke he came after her... whipped her with his belt making sure to hide it from the public... she couldn't take it anymore and fought him back... that made things worse for her...

Way worse....

But she managed to find someone who claimed they loved her and took her in they were engaged shortly after. But he was a piece of shit... she never told Lori, Rick or Shane about this because she knew Rick and Shane would end up losing their jobs and scholarships, and Lori well she would tell Rick and Shane.

Mel ended up staying with the shitty boyfriend until she finally moved out of Georgia...

She stayed gone until she got Rick and Lori's wedding invitation, and she instantly left to go see them... it had been years since she last saw them.

The wedding was beautiful and small. They told her about Lori being pregnant and they couldn't wait to be parents. Shane kept hitting on the bridesmaids and she couldn't help but hate herself from her life not being like theirs...

She ran away from them in hopes that they will live on and have good lives without her... she left with only one thing set in her head and it was suicide....

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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