In Another Life...

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(A Papa Louie AU Fanfiction)
Written By: Papalouiememedreamer

(Angelo's Perspective):

I awoke with a start. Today was the day I was supposed to head to Powder Point with my group of friends- Marel, Dougg, Dylan, and Brendan. It's an hour and a half long drive from the closest person's house, which is Dougg's house. If Elisa was going with us, she would be the closest one, but, alas, she was on a cruise with her friends, and her grandfather. It was very sunny out, and I definitely had high hopes that we would be at Powder Point basically all day. I quickly scurried to get some cereal, get dressed, and head out the door to meet my friends at Dougg's house.

     As I arrived at Dougg's, I noticed that nobody was in the driveway-- not even Dougg's van, which is what we were supposed to take to Powder Point. "That's weird... Where is he?" As soon as I said that to myself, my phone went off. It was Dougg. His message said "Hey dude, sorry if you're already there. I had to go out and get some snacks for us, as you know, Powder Point is NOT cheap. I'm with Brendan. Marel and Dylan should be there shortly. Thanks Angelo." Huh, well that answers that. Guess I'll wait for Dylan and Marel to arrive, then.

     I waited another 5 minutes or so, before I saw a convertible pull into Dougg's driveway and make a smoky stop. Marel hopped out of the driver's seat, and Dylan followed after him out of the passenger seat. "AYY!" They both shouted at once. High fives were exchanged as we talked about how much fun we were going to have at Powder Point. It wasn't very often that we got this opportunity, because the park is much farther away than the local amusement park (which, may I note, is a total dump). As we finished up our conversation, a very familiar van started its way up the road to us. Dougg and Brendan had returned.

     "Yo!'' said Brendan, hopping out of the back with grocery bags filled with Fizzo and many varieties of potato chips. "I tried to splurge and get us a lot of food to last the whole day. Even picked up some Fizzos and some Hyper Green, but the Hyper Green is MINE!" Dougg emphasized that last word. He loves Hyper Green probably more than Tony does. It's kind of crazy. "Hey, Marel, go inside the house and retrieve my cooler? Thanks bro!" Dougg said as he cracked open his first can of Hyper Green. "So, what's the game plan?" I spoke. Brendan replied "Well, I guess Marel went to go fill the cooler with ice and whatnot, so, after we finish preparing for the road trip, we're out of here!" He only answered one third of my question. "Well, that sure helps, but, I mean after we ARRIVE to Powder Point, and what we're doing after we leave." He thought for a second, and passed the baton to Dougg. "You know everything, right? Sorry, I don't quite remember the plan one hundred percent by heart." Brendan spoke, scratching his head lightly. "Okay, so once we get to the park, we're going to have as much fun as we want to. After about a few hours, we'll go visit Tony and Scooter at Papa's Donuteria. After that, we have about two hours left before they close, so again, just have fun. After that, we can get dinner at the Burgeria on the way home, then go our separate ways." Dougg said, before quickly downing his first can of Hyper Green.

     Marel came back out of the house with the cooler. "You guys got everything?" Asked Dougg, looking over at Dylan tearing into a bag of barbecue chips. "Yep!" We all shouted in unison. With that word, we all hopped into the van. Marel, Dylan, and I took the back, while Dougg and Brendan were in the front. We were finally on our way to Powder Point. Our 3rd annual Powder Point trip was now ready to get underway.

     As we drove to Powder Point, we rocked out to music, prank called Roy back at the Pizzeria-- only to be greeted by a very annoyed Joy, Dougg had about 3 more Hyper Greens through the whole road trip, and both Marel and Dylan were so excited, they were about to burst. "How much longer?" Asked Dylan, very enthusiastically. "About 10 more minutes guys, be patient." Said Brendan from the passenger seat. In more like 15 minutes, we were finally at Powder Point. Marel started jumping up and down, shaking the van in its place when we parked. "POWDER POINT! POWDER POINT! POWDER POINT!" Chanted me, Dylan, and Marel in unison. As we all unrolled from the side of the van, we noticed a rolling thunderstorm about 20 miles away from us. "Uhh, guys, that doesn't look too good..." Spoke Brendan, scratching his head again. "Oh please, like this rainstorm is going to stop our fun!" Said Dougg, cracking open yet again, another Hyper Green.

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