Reader==> Be you

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Well, that was simple, since you are already "being you." So, let's get to the introduction, eh?
You're 20 years old, and currently in college with a major in engineering and a minor in programming. You live in Houston, Texas, not too far from your childhood friend, Dirk Strider. You've been in Texas all of your life, and have known Dirk for nearly as long, some incident with your guardian meeting Dirk's brother in a park as you both ran around, playing happily. Ah, yes, the good days.
You are well aware of Dirk's much hated Auto-Responder, Hal, since you helped Dirk develop him. You weren't sure why everyone hated Hal, you think he's a pretty cool AI. When you were bored, sometimes you would just message him and talk about things that didn't even matter, like how your day went, or how frustrated you were that some idjit scored higher than you on a test, just...stuff.
You helped Dirk build his body, too, awhile back. It wasn't very complicated, you usually did the coding part while Dirk hardwired him. You were more than happy with the task, and you were pretty content with your skills.
It's been four years since you've completed Hal, and he comes over periodically when Dirk gets too fed up with him.
It was one of those days...
You opened up your apartment to find the AI sitting on the couch, looking rather bored, until you came in.
"Oh, hello Hal!" You said excitedly, hanging your keys on the rack next to the door and your coat on it's hook.
"Hey (y/n). How was school?" He asked, scooting over, allowing you to sit next to him. You do so, and begin to take out the materials needed for your homework, and loading them onto the coffee table in front of you.
"It was fine. Rather dull than anything, but fine. My engineering professor loaded me with homework, since finals are coming up soon. Dirk kicked you out again?" You sigh, logging onto your laptop. You had a 10 page essay due the day after tomorrow at midnight, and you were not doing it last minute if you could help it.
"Yeah. I don't know what I did to piss him off like that. I was just doing my job." He said, putting his arm over your shoulder and letting you lean against him as you type out your paper.
"Oh, well, you know Dirk, not everyone enjoys getting their faults pointed out all the time." At this, Hal let out a synthetic sigh.
"Yeah, I guess you're right..."
You yawned, trying to keep your eyes open. You, being only human, are exhausted by now.
"(Y/n)? Why don't you go to bed? You can finish your paper tomorrow." Hal said, earning him a look that could kill.
"No, I just have, like, two more pages." Hal sighed in defeat.
You end up passing out on Hal. When he realized this, he smiled a bit.
"I told you." He whispered, carrying you to your bed. He kissed your cheek as he pulled the covers up to your chin.
"Good night, (y/n)"

>Yo, I'm so sorry this was so short! I'll write some more cute-sy Strider fics, and I honestly feel lil Hal doesn't get enough love! Ugh, he's so adorable...
I'm getting sidetracked.
Anyway, I'll write more, suggestions/requests are always welcome, Stride on OuO

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