Why me?

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I hear a high-pitched wail followed by "I'll kill you, basta--", which is cut off by knife slicing and bones breaking. Angel is trembling in my arms. I laugh, and in response, she snaps her head to glare at me. She's so cute when she's angry. I flick on her forehead and get a pout. How lucky am I to have such an adorable girlfriend? Her expression eases as I pat her head like she's a toddler. With the horror movie playing in the background, I kiss her so gently, like she's the purpose of my existence. Angelina has been my sunshine for the past two years, and I'll give anything to fill her life with joy.

I wake up, startled by a thud. I should've dozed off somewhere in the middle of watching the... movie? Where am I now? How did I come here? Why am I on the street? Why don't I remember anything?

My heart is pounding in my chest, and I start to panic. No lights anywhere near me. No shops. No houses. Looks like I'm in an abandoned alleyway. Wait. This looks exactly like the one from the movie. I should look--

I can't move! My legs are paralyzed. I try to move my hands, but they're frozen. What's happening? I start to freak out. The only movable part of my body is my head.

I feel giddy. My blood pressure's rising. What is happening to me?

Wait, I heard something when I woke up, right? There must be someone. I frantically look left and right, as far as my head goes. I see a shadow on my left. It's too small. Maybe a dog? The shape is growing. It's a girl?

I shout "Hey!! Can you hear me? Help! Help!"

The girl doesn't seem to hear me. Only as she walks closer and closer do I realize. She's walking like a zombie. In a dead-slow pace, with a hunch and drooped arms dragging on the floor.

When she's close enough, I squint my eyes to see her face, and my breath catches in my lungs. I gasp for air. No. No. No no no no. Shit. It's my Angel.

Covered in blood. Dark grey skin and a body full of sharp spikes. A dark orb where her left eye is supposed to be. And her right eye is... Bloody red. Not a single drop of white. Like a demon. No, like the devil.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, I feel a strong set of hands grab me. I try to fight, but it feels like I'm being ripped apart into a million pieces and pasted back together.

I'm pulled out of the broken television and crash on the coffee table. I'm in my room again!

Angel!! I have to protect her. I turn around to face a guy falling down, slumping behind me, his body full of holes, and the bloodied devil I've called Angel, stabbing me right in the left eye as I say, "Why me?"

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