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                 From day 1, it's been hell. Houses were burning, sparks of life were arising from the houses that beginning to collapse under the heat and power of the engulfing flames. Families were fleeing from the site, children were crying because they were left behind until police were able to retrieve them, animals were going crazy and running all sorts of directions.

             Hours have passed and hiding from the shadows finally was given a break as the fire finally died down. It was silent; only sounds that can be heard are the birds and the families returning to their homes, destroyed and lost. Now considered as charred memories, everyone grabbed what they considered was still good.
              Clouds overcasted the village and began to pour, people were saying it was the Gods crying because of the monstrosity that happened. There were angry villagers that wanted whoever caused the flames to be killed without mercy and to be public. They wanted whoever to be burned to the stake - feel what it was like to lose everything in-front of your eyes. Others blamed the gods for possibly causing this- they were mad and took out their anger on the villagers.

               No matter the reason, it was evidence that it was on purpose and it was a targeted attack. It was obvious as it happened during the night, everyone asleep and unaware of the one who was behind it all. But the worse of it all, the culprit was already away and onto the next area to cause the next destruction.

                It was taunting us, we had no idea where the enemy was going to hit and when and with what. It haunted those in the nearby villages or cities to know they could be next but don't know when to expect the unwelcome guest. For all they know, three days time or less than twelve hours. They pack and leave what they can't take, then return following morning to see the damage.

             For now, it was keep on track to find where our parents were at, but each day was getting more difficult to maneuver around police and not be arrested for false acts but for also being wanted automatically when entering the mafia business.

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