Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
The clouds were grey and gloomy, spitting out inches and inches of white snow. The ground was covered in a thin white layer, barely covering the paved roads. Shop owners hurriedly sprinkled the thick salt on the sidewalks; making sure nothing would stand in the way of their customers, not even a few feet of snow. A young woman walked along the sidewalk. She wore a peacoat, snug on her body to keep warm. Her hands were free of gloves, for the she hated restricting such powerful weapons. The scarf around her neck kept the wind at bay, she just wished it would calm a little. A gust of wind broke through the trees, sprinkling even more snow around, causing Freya to cough, wipe her face and wrap the scarf around her neck a little tighter. She looked up at the clouds as snowflakes danced across her rosy cheeks and took a deep breath in. She smelt the freshly fallen snow, the trees, the dirt, and the frantic little squirrels hoping to find their acorns where they left them a few months ago. Freya sighed loudly, allowing that air to billow out, which is how she was feeling right now. Something was inside of her, she could feel it. It wanted to be released, it wanted to be free. This feeling she gets has been getting stronger. With every passing day, and every new terrifying nightmare, something was coming. But she wasn't scared, the opposite actually. Freya recalled the daydream she had today at school. A man haunting her nightmares had infiltrated her head not only in the night, but now during the day. She couldn't escape him. She knew nothing of the man, not what he looked like, not what he wore, just his voice. It was deep and smooth like syrup, and she imagined just as sweet. She felt like she knew him, remembered him from somewhere from a long time ago. She knew he had something to do with the feelings she's been getting recently and had a an inkling that they would meet very soon. 

She happened across her doorstep, dusting her snow boots on the mat before reaching inside her pocket to fish for her keys. She quickly unlocked the door and pushed herself into her slightly warm apartment. She hung her peacoat scarf and keys up before she felt something rubbing at her ankles below. She smiled and bent down, blowing kisses at the meowing kitten who came to greet her. She picked him up to give him a proper kiss. "Hello, Gustavo. I missed you, honey." He meowed, loving the attention he got. A loud ringing noise emerged from the kitchen, Freya jumped slightly from fright but when she realized it was the phone, she hurried to answer it. She put Gus down on the floor and reached for the phone hanging on the blue painted wall. 

"Hello?" She answered, holding it to her ear while she prepared Gus's food. She walked over to the pantry and grabbed his kitten food from the shelf. 

"Hello, dear." Freya heard the voice of her grandma, and cursed as she just remembered. She was incredibly late for the meeting. This has become a habit now and she hates to blame it anyone but herself although these daydreams she's been having keep her mind occupied and full. 

"Shoot, gam, I'm so sorry. I'll be right there, I just have to feed Gus." She said apologetically while preparing Gus's food quickly. She placed it on the ground and watched as he gobbled it right up.

"It's okay, Frey. I was just checkin' on ya." She said softly. She worried about Freya often, as did everyone in the coven. She was living by herself, away from the coven and away from protection. But she fought for her place among the humans and she quite liked how they lived. So, the council, allowed her to live off protected ground under two conditions; she attend every meeting that is held by the coven every other day and she must place a protection charm on her apartment twice a month. Freya did so without complaint. Although very kind and creative, humans were manipulative and afraid of the unknown. Freya knew this, and knew the best way to stay safe, was to heed what the council says. She had human friends, and they were wonderful. But they would never know of her because it was too dangerous. Humans are not so adaptable to other species, they even have a hard time accepting their own.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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