Chapter 1

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"My name is (y/n) (l/n), and I never expected my life to take a dark turn until I came face to face with Kanto's most dangerous criminals. It was a wild ride that changed my whole life.


As I walked down the streets of Kanto, the sound of honking cars filled my ears, the aroma of street food filled my nostrils, and the bright lights illuminated the surroundings. As I walked through the streets, I scanned my surroundings. Only a handful of people were outside. Honestly, I couldn't blame them for staying indoors - I would rather be at home too. However, after looking at my food supplies, I realized I needed to make it to the store before it was too late or wait until the next day, but I didn't want to starve the rest of the night either. 

I walked to the nearest convenience store and checked my phone. It was already 7:30, and the sky was painted orange and pink as the sun had already set. While walking through the aisle, searching for food, I pondered.  "What should I grab for dinner tonight? "I scanned the shelves, hoping to find something to catch my eye. I scanned my eyes till I spotted some Ramen, picked it up, and looked at the price. "This will have to do. I don't want to be here too long with the akuduma outside." 

For those that don't know who the Akuduma were, they are a notorious gang that terrorized the streets with unpredictable behavior, ranging from petty theft to cold-blooded murder, requiring constant vigilance. The police imposed a curfew requiring citizens to be in their homes before dark. I hurried towards the counter and quickly set my belongings down. Grabbing my money, I handed it to the cashier. 

As I was leaving the store, the cashier asked me if I wanted a receipt. I declined and took the bag she handed me. Before leaving, she said, "Please be careful out there, Hun." I replied, "I will. You stay safe, too." After that, I walked down the street to wait for the bus. The sky was dark, and the air was chilly, so I zipped up my jacket and put on my hood.

 Sitting on the bench, I hugged myself tightly to generate more warmth. "I'm glad I'm off work tomorrow. I can sleep in," I thought as I looked around; I noticed only one other person present. He was tall with neck-length purple hair and piercing purple eyes. He wore a black jacket over a grey hoodie, jeans, and boots. He looked at me with a bored expression before turning his gaze back to the street. His beauty entranced me, but I quickly averted my eyes, realizing I had been staring for too long. 

As the bus came to a stop, I looked up to see the guy staring at me with a straight face. Feeling uncomfortable, I looked down at my hands, fidgeting with my fingers. "You know it's rude to stare," he suddenly said. I blushed a bit, feeling embarrassed. "I'm sorry," I said. "I just thought your eyes were beautiful." He blushed and didn't say anything, but it was clear that he was flattered.

I stood from the bench and slung my bag over my shoulder as the bus pulled up. Quickly climbing aboard, I descended the aisle and sat in the third row. Settling in, I took a deep breath before focusing on the other passengers. That's when I saw that tall, purple-haired man, mainly dressed in black, making his way to the back of the bus. Our eyes met briefly, and I felt a jolt of electricity shoot through me. Turning back around, I pulled out my phone and checked the time, realizing with a sinking feeling that it was already 8:30. "Damn," I muttered under my breath. 

"Well, there's no helping it now." opening my messages, I saw a text from my mom informing me that she wouldn't be home for a while due to an urgent matter. I groaned inwardly, knowing that I still had a way to go before I reached my stop sitting and playing games on my phone.

 After some time passed, we approached my stop, I gathered my things and made my way to the front of the bus, feeling the stranger's eyes on me as I passed. Stepping onto the sidewalk, I watched the bus pull away before starting my long walk home.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2023 ⏰

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