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Meridith laid on her bed twirling around her dead phone with her fingers.

Unexpectedly,today the god of rain and thunder or whatever decided that today would be the best day to rain cats and dogs.

Because of this,the whole power in her neighborhood was cut off,leaving her phone unalived for the time being.

As the rain poured down on her house with force,the sudden crack of thunder makes her jump to her feet like a soldier called to duty.

She laughs at her silliness.
Since she was on her feet,she decided to grab herself a glass of water.Her throat suddenly felt like the Sahara desert.

She takes a flashlight from her desk and puts it on.It wasn't very bright but it was bright enough for her not to collide her head with a hard surface or to trip on her own two bent feet.

Meridith descends the wooden staircase with sweat beads forming on her forehead.
Each step she took,the wooden stair creaked back in response.

She wasn't supposed to feel uneasiness building up in her body,these were sounds she had gotten used to hearing.

She was slowly scaring herself,she knew that.
She reaches the last step and she trips.

Still on the floor,she turns her flashlight to the top of the case instinctively.
The Darkness was toying with her.

She gets up cautiously,her eyes fixed on the flight of stairs.
She was definitely scaring herself.

Shrugging off the build up of turmoil,she
walks with the flash as her leader.

Meridith stood on her tiptoe,stretching her hands out to reach the glass cup.

She was not short or anything,the cupboard was just as high as the light bulbs on the ceiling.

She finally reaches the cup,rinses it and pour herself some cold water.

After making sure her throat was balanced with both dry and wet land,she puts the cup in the sink.

As she washed her hands due to unexplained reasons,she caught something out of the corner of her eye.

It was still raining outside so it must be her eyes trying to fool her.Then a flood of edginess touched her body making her feel unsafe.

That was when she remembered she had grownups,her parents.

'Where were they?.'
She thought.

She searched the house for them but their presence wasn't felt at all.

She walked outside to the the front of her house,she ran to their backyard.

She stood in shock as the scene unfolded before her.
Her mother's body clothed in familiar clothes was brutally being chopped right in front of her.

What made her shocked even more was that her father was the Butcher.

After cutting his victim into pieces,he throws it into the small pit he had dug.

Meridith was still frozen in place.
Before she knew it,words left her trembling lips.


He stopped and looked at wide-eyed Meridith with an evil grin.

No that wasn't her father.

"Yes Darling?."he answers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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