Cold as Stone

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I waited for the rest of the group at the table outside of the school. Its finally lunch time, and the silence between me and everyone else was unbearable. I wasn't sure why I lashed out at Lydia yesterday, I guess I was just pissed about Stiles. Who I don't care about anymore.

I look up from my backpack, and seeing everyone come through the doors, heading towards me. Only Lydia and Allison were talking to each other, everyone else looked pretty quiet until they got closer to me.

I stand up once they finally arrive, I look at Scott straight in the eye, trying to seem confident.

"I assume Stiles and Lydia told you everything?"

Scott stares at me, not saying a word, only a nod showed.

"So, tell me what the hell is going on." I demand, as I sat down at the same time as most of them did too. Scott opened his mouth to answer, but a girl came running towards us. She looked a little similar to our history teacher, I'm sure she was friends with all them too.

"Hi! Sorry I'm late! But I came with information about Stiles." She commented while sitting down beside Isaac at the table. It definitely felt quite tight with almost ten of us sitting at one tiny table.

"Um Kira, this is y/n who we told you about?" Scott asked, staring at her. They gave eye contact for more tan five seconds, then she nodded at smiled at me in a 'hello nice to meet you' type way. I frowned, averting my eyes back and forth between the two of them.

"What's wrong about Stiles?" I ask, looking back and forth between everyone else now, wanting answers more than ever. Even if Stiles told me a brief summary of it all, I want to know the truth.

"We'll get to that, but for now just trust me okay?"

I nod at Scott, watching him, waiting for a reply, or the truth.

"Stiles was right y/n, same with Lydia."

I look at Stiles after a few seconds, definitely confused on what the hell type situation I got myself into.

"I don't believe you."

Scott sighed then looked at me again but this time he looked really nervous. My eyebrows knitted together in confusion, waiting for someone to say it was all a joke or something.

"I'm gonna show you something, but you have to promise not to tell anyone. Okay?"

I nod, waiting for something epic to happen. Then all of a sudden, Scotts eyes slowly turned to a bright red colour, and his face scrunched up, he got more hair on his face, and he had razor sharp teeth. I gasped, staring at him in amazement. I wasn't scared or anything, but I was definitely surprised and a little taken back. Just like nothing, I suddenly believed him and everyone else. It was unbelievable, and just like that though, it all went away and his face was back to normal.

My jaw was practically on the floor, I then looked at all of them. Allison didn't seem the least bit surprised, she was new in this group too wasn't she? How is she not stunned of what just happened.


He smiled softly, as if that would cushion the blow a bit.

"Listen to me y/n. I'm an alpha werewolf. Lydia is a banshee, Kira is a kitsune, Isaac is a werewolf, Allison is a hunter."

I just stared at him, I wasn't sure what to believe now. Was it all true? Suddenly at that exact moment that Scott stopped talking, my hearing was now afflefied, I was able to hear everything around me. I didn't freak out this time though, after Stiles and his father left our house, it happened a few times during the night. I feel perhaps I've gotten used to it? Or this is all just a dream or something.

"Y/n? Are you okay? You haven't said anything in like three minutes." Stiles asked, leaning a bit closer towards me, but in that same moment, I saw Stiles as someone completely different, darker. Although he still looked the exact same, the moment only lasted a second though, but enough to have noticed it.

"I-I I don't know what just happened.." I mutter under my breath, thinking about what has happened to me in the last twenty four hours. As I began to think more and more, my brain began to clutter with overwhelming thoughts. I began to find it a little harder to breath, I looked up at Stiles again, but this time it was the other Stiles, the darker one. He started to smirk at me, his mouth opened about to say something, but it was cut off quickly as Stiles snapped his fingers in front of my face.

"Y/n what happened? Tell us what is going on, Lydia already explained some of it. We need more, tell us what you know y/n" Scott demanded.

I met his gaze and I took a deep breath, trying to compose myself, calming myself down in the process.

"Starting from yesterday at lunch, I keep on hearing what's going on all around me, and that happened about eight time yesterday."

"And today?"

I looked at Scott for a another second before replying "well today, I got that whole hearing thing again twice, but then just now I saw stuff.."

I noticed everyone frowned, looking at eachother then back at me.

"What kind of stuff?" Lydia asked suddenly, leaning slightly in as well.

I looked over at her, I wasn't sure if I should tell them or not. I glance at Stiles, unsure of what to do with the situation and questions. I decided though, even if Stiles doesn't care for me anymore, it doesn't mean don't care about him. Yes, he hurt me, but I think if anything that at least looks bad, I should tell someone.

"I-I saw Stiles, but only it wasn't Stiles. Well I mean, it looked just like him, but darker or something. Mysterious almost."

I noticed Kira's eyes widen the most, I had an idea she knew exactly what was going on with Stiles and my visions. I looked over at Stiles, noticing he looked confused, and a little scared at the same time. Lydia just looked confused, and Scott the same. Everyone else just looked like a mix of everything.

"Wait hold on, y/n your having visions?" Lydia asked suddenly. I frowned, tilting my head slightly. "Ya, why what does that mean?"

"Banshee's don't have visions." Stiles cut in. I looked at him, my eyebrows furrowed together still, I hoped someone could catch me up on whats happening any second now.

"Seer's do." Scott said, staring at me with a look that was full of confusion but also realization. What was a seer?

Everyone looked at him, then looked at me.

"Shes a hybrid."

My eyes widened, I look at them all, panicking. I wasn't understanding any of this, what was happening?

"W-what do you mean? A hybrid of what? What are you talking about?" I ask nervously, waiting for a response.

"Your a Seer and a Banshee."


|| Thanks for reading, sorry it sucked and that it was a little confusing! ||

Please give me feedback! What did you think??

˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚

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