Chapter05: Small Sleepover

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"Wow, we're gonna a get a new update?" "Seems like it." Custard Cream answered Gingerbrave question while the others was thinking how did they get there in the first place "When is it coming?" Gingerbrave ask Raya so she turn to him and say "Tomorrow." "WAIT, really??" he shouted making her nod her head before putting a video about her and her friends in Vidcon. "Wait is that you?" "Yep, me and my friends.. we made a series about one of the aus." Raya told them which made them a little confuse, "Well what au then." Chili told her making her annoyed, she just sigh and said. "I think it was either about Almost World Chaos or a new AU that they don't have a name for it yet, but we got permission from them." she said.

~~~~~ THE VIDCON VIDEO ~~~~~

"Hello Vidcon! Today me and some of the cast members are also here to do some trivia questions." Raya shouted before introducing the cast members' names. "First up, we have Adrien(A female) playing as Dark Cacao, next is the twins(Skai & Tyler) playing as Dark Enchantress & White Lily, now we have Kai as Pure Vanilla, and there is Noi playing as Dark Choco. And if you say please then she would glad to come, her name is Max as Hollyberry, Akko as Kim!" She shouted as the crowd screamed with excitement. "Did I forget somebody?" she ask waiting for a response when- "No, we don't need the bird." Adrien told her, "Oh... yea we don't need them. Heh he, Last up is the bird and not the emo one, its Golden Cheese also known as Jacky!"


"Wow!" Gingerbrave was amaze "Who did you played as Raya?" he ask her before she got up from her bed "Oh well, I'm playing as Affogato." "Playing?" Strawberry said while holding onto Chili Pepper since she was pissed at Wizard "Yea, we still doing this series, but we mostly post other series now." she told her as Wizard cleared his throat catching everyone attention "Sorry to kill the mood but we should really get going since the others might start worrying about us soon." he told everyone making them agree. "Bye Raya, see you soon!" Raya helped the cookies up to the same tablet they were before and then they went back home one by one.


After leaving, the cookies fell though the portal once more infront of the large familiar book. "Ouch." Wizard said before noticing Chili Pepper with a large coin "Are you serous?!" "What?" Wizard just sighed dusting himself off as the others were getting up, but when they did they heard- "Over here!" a very familiar voice shouted as they ran towards the group worry "Pure Van-" "Are you guys ok?" Pure Vanilla said worry checking if they were hurt or not, Dark Cacao and Hollyberry ran over to them also a bit worry, "Oh goodness you're ok." he sigh in relief. "We were taking a walk outside when we saw something that looked like a portal in the middle of the sky.." Hollyberry told them as the other two ancients nodded in agree. "Really sorry for worrying you guys." "It ok Gingerbrave, as long you guys are ok." Pure Vanilla said with a smile before Dark Cacao asked them a question. "Where even were you guys in the first place?" Gingerbrave turn his head toward Wizard which made him sigh, but he went up infront of the group and explain all of the events that happen expect Raya to the ancients.

"Oh my goodness!" Pure Vanilla whisper with even more worry before asking them how did they survive in the new strange place "It was Raya!" Custard said happily confusing the ancients. "Who is Raya?" Dark Cacao ask him since he and the others was confuse about who this Raya was, "Oh, she a human that took care of us when we were there." "A human!??" Hollyberry gasps before getting hit in the head by Dark Cacao. "Ouch!" "Did they do something to you?" Pure Vanilla asked them but was only a little worry and more confuse "Nope!" Custard shouted happily again while the ancients just sigh in relief, "Do you mind if we also visit your friend Raya as well?" he ask since he wanted to thanked her for being kind and helping the young cookie in their stay there. "Sure, right Wizard Cookie?" Strawberry said looking at Wizard who just nod, "Alrighty then, tomorrow we can meet them." he said with another smile on his face as the other cookies agree with him.

~~~~~ TO BE CONTINUED ~~~~~

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