The Orphan

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Ashley's POV

Today is July 27th and is also the day to adopt a child and make them happy. I get up out of bed and get ready to leave. My dad and I are driving to the orphanage (since I can't drive). I'm about to get my new car in a few days so then we can move into a new house with the two of us. We walk in the orphanage. The lady at the front desk looked up at us, "Oh hello, i'm Mrs.Danny how may I help you?" she asked. Hello, I responded I would like to adopt a child. "Okay, how old and what gender?" Uhm Maybe 11 or 12 and girl. "Okay they are all playing in the backyard right now, down the hall." Okay, thank you. I said. I walk outside to see about 10-15 girls out there. There were 2 groups of them. 1 had about 9 girls and the other had 5 girls. Then there was 1 girl playing by herself in the field. She was kicking the ball and had a DS in her pocket. She dressed in a nice t-shirt and basketball shorts. Maybe 4 1/2 feet? And had long dark brown hair. I started walking over to her. Hello? She turned around. "Are you talking to me?" she asked. Yes ma'am. "Oh, hello." she said smiling. Why are you playing by yourself? "Because I don't have any friends here. I'm from America but they moved me here." she responded. Ok, whats your name? "Alex."she said. Well nice to meet you Alex i'm Ashley. "Ashley." She paused,"You look very familiar." What do you mean? I asked. "Do you game? On Youtube?" I do indeed. I said. "AshleyMarieeGaming? I watch your videos." That's awesome! I told her. "But, what are you doing here? I thought youtubers don't like kids." But I do. I told her. Would you like to be adopted? I asked her. "I'd love to! But I wouldn't think anyone would want to to be their kid. Some of the girls say I was born the wrong gender since I like sports, games, and non-girly things" she told me. Well, I would like to adopt you. I said. Her eyes light up and started watering. "Really?" She asked. Of course! Come on lets go.

Alex's POV

I don't know what to do anymore. I was just asked to be adopted. Adopted by a youtuber. Adopted by AshleyMarieeGaming.

We went up the the front desk where Mrs.Danny was (She was pretty much the only person I talked to). "Mrs.Danny," Ashley spoke,"I would like to adopt this young lady, Alex." She looked down at me and smiled. "Your wish came true Alex, are you happy?" She asked. Very. I responded. "Okay then, go and get your things while Ashley and I sort out paperwork." Thank you! I ran off to my bunk. Was this really happening? Being adopted? No. This can't be. I pinched myself. Ow. Yup it's real! I only had one bag with 3 pairs of cloths, a stuffed animal, and DS games. As I walked out of the room, I looked outside. Most of the girls were looking at me. I waved, they turned their backs to me and I smiled. When I walked back to Ashley and Mrs.Danny, they looked at my birth certificate apparently my name was "Alexandra Marie" without a last name on there though. (My middle name is actually Marie.) Ashley looked down at me. "You have a very lovely name".I smiled. Thank you. I said. "Well that's all I need from you. I will come to you home in about a week to check on how you guys are living." Mrs.Danny told us. "Thank you." Ashley said. Then we left. Once, we got out there, her dad came out of the car. "Nice to meet you-,". "Alex." Ashley told him. "Nice to meet you Alex. I'm your new grandpa. Are you happy?" I am very happy. Thank you. I told him.

Ashley's dads Eric POV (I don't know if that's his name.)

I was driving home with Ashley and Alex while asking Alex some questions."So Alex, how long have you been an orphan?" I asked. "Uhm, I have been an orphan since I was 5, so 7 years. But I have been to 14 different orphanages. And that was the first one in England. That's why I have an American accent, because i'm from America." Alex responded. "Well Alex," I started,"Tara and you Grandmother is excited to see you." Ashley pitched in, "Yeah they really want to meet you."

Alex's POV

We finally arrive to Ashley's house and I see 2 people looking through the window. They immediately run outside to me. I end up just looking at them confused. Eric is getting my bags. Ashley comes over to us and I was frozen. "You guys! She's scared! She's not used to a lot of people around her." Ashley told them. She then introduced them to me. I was really nervous, almost sick. They were really nice and caring for me but I just wasn't used to it.It was about 3 p.m. when Ashley showed me my room. She helped me get sorted and put all my things away. Once she left the room I wasn't feeling good at all. I didn't leave my room. At about 6 p.m. I was just sitting on my bed not doing anything. Then ashley walked in,"Dinner is ready are you hungry? You haven't eaten since 10 a.m." I sat there for a second. "Uhh i'm not hungry." I said. She looked shocked and sat next to me on the bed. "Are you sure? Are you feeling okay?" She asked. I looked at her. "Can you get the uhm, papers that Mrs.Danny gave you?" Ashley looked confused. "Sure." And she left the room. A minute later she returned with the papers.  I flipped to a page that described things about me. And gave it to her.

Ashley's POV

Alex flipped through a pack of papers and showed me one page. "Read it." She told me. I started reading it in my head.

About Alexandra. Alexandra is a nervous and quiet girl. She does not have much confidence in her. She is depressed and doesn't eat much because of it. Alexandra loves watching YouTube, playing soccer, playing video games, writing, deer, and being alone. Her mother and father died in a plane crash while having a friend watch her for a few days. Her sister is at a different orphanage in AU. When Alex is near music she is more confident than she knows of. She enjoys the colour purple and neon green. She cannot stand being cold. Alex also likes running marathons.

Written by Mrs.Danny

When I finished reading the paragraph, I sat there for a second to understand. "Okay." I finally said. "So, have you been doing anything this whole time we left you alone?" I asked. "No,I haven't." she answered. "Okay, i'll be right back." and I left the room. I went down to the kitchen and grabbed some food to bring up to her. I ignored my family and headed straight to her room. "I brought the food to you." I said to her walking back in. "Oh, thanks." and she took the food. "In a few days when I get my car we will be moving into a new house with just you, me, and a new pet of your choice. She looked at me. "Can we get a small puppy?" she asked. "Of course!" I answered. "Oh also, the house is back in America." I told her. "Where at?" she asked. "LA." I said. "Ok." she said and kept eating her food.

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