Sneaking out

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The corridors of Hogwarts were silent, save for the soft echo of their footsteps. Scorpius Malfoy and Rose Weasley, both adorned with prefect badges, navigated the familiar paths as they performed their duties. It was in these late hours that their worlds intertwined, a shared secret hidden behind the façade of duty. That wasn't their intentions at first of course, the first few weeks they just wanted to get the job done but quickly they just wanted to do the job to see each other. For Rose those were the most magical moments at Hogwarts, to walk down the corridors at night with him. Sure, they didn't want to hide it, but when something started growing between them they agreed on telling their parents, which didn't go too well, so they simply decided to start sneaking into secret dates during their prefects chores, from hanging out in a classroom to spending hours in the astronomy tower.

One night, beneath the star-studded sky, they found themselves alone in the prefects' common room. The gentle glow of the enchanted lanterns created a cocoon of warmth and intimacy. Their eyes met, a silent conversation playing out in the depths of their gazes.

"I've always loved the night," Scorpius confessed, breaking the silence.

Rose smiled, a soft curve gracing her lips. "It has a way of unveiling hidden truths, doesn't it?"And in that moment, amidst the quiet of the night, they both felt the unspoken truth that bound them together.

As the days turned to weeks, their stolen moments together grew more daring. They sneaked into the kitchens, delighting in the surprised smiles of the house-elves, who seemed to understand the magic woven between them, those nights were the best ones in Scorpius' opinion, they would eat and eat, which he loved, and have very long conversations, which he loved more. They would be about anything and everything, the burrow, the constellations, the pumpkin pie they were sharing... however, they were all perfect.

They dared to venture into each other's common rooms, the thrill of being in forbidden territory adding an extra layer of excitement to their stolen encounters, they would change their robes and ties and pretend, as if the students didn't recognize them, but they didn't care because the fun they had didn't care about dirty looks. The Gryffindor common room, adorned with warm shades of red and gold, felt like a welcome embrace to Scorpius, he loved to sit with Rose in front of the chimney, sometimes to simply do their homework together, sometimes just to lay his head on her lap and pretend he was sleeping so she would ran her hand through his hair (which she of course, didn't know he realized). Meanwhile, the cool blue tones of the Ravenclaw common room welcomed Rose with a sense of belonging she hadn't expected, she loved how passionate Scorpius was about reading, and he would spend hours talking to her about thousands of muggle books she didn't care about, but the fire in his eyes and his passionate way of talking about them were more than enough to have her mesmerized.
The prefects' bathroom became their secret haven, a place where they could be themselves without the prying eyes of the world. Surrounded by the soothing warmth of the enchanted water, they found solace in each other's arms. They would cast spells and turn the bubbles into different animals, they would throw water at each other and have a water fight and then argue about whose fault it was that the robes were soaked and why that wasn't fair.

One fateful night, the Room of Requirement responded to their unspoken desires. It transformed into a realm of dreams, a place where their imaginations could run wild but the only thing they wanted was to be themselves, so a forest appeared, with shining stars above them. They danced among the stars, lost in a world that belonged only to them.
Their love remained a secret, known only to a select few. The world outside remained oblivious to the enchantment that was slowly blossoming. They reveled in their stolen moments, their hearts beating in rhythm with each other.

As time passed, their parents began to sense the truth in their children's eyes. Slowly, the walls of resistance began to crumble, replaced by a reluctant acceptance of the love that had taken root.
Christmas at the Burrow was a tapestry of warmth, laughter, and shared moments. The flickering lights on the tree cast a gentle glow on the gathered Weasley clan. Amidst the festivities, Scorpius and Rose found themselves drawn to each other, their hands finding solace in the touch of the other.Under the twinkling stars and the watchful eyes of their families, they knew that their love was destined for greatness. The once-secret romance had transformed into a story for the ages, a testament to the power of love that could overcome any obstacle. And as they stood together, surrounded by the embrace of their families, they knew that their whispers of destiny had become a reality, forever woven into the fabric of their lives.

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