Till death do us part

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"Teenagers are always so emotional"

But what you don't understand is that teenagehood is when little kids finally realize that the world isn't all cupcakes and rainbows. And at the age of 13 you don't know how to deal with that. So we become moody and depressed and emotional because we're trying to make it through a new type of life without being just another name of a suicide on the news. Because this has all happened before. Life is just a loop. A never ending loop. One life ends another begins and that new life had to experience everything that old one had. They have to experience the heart break, the sadness, the depression. All over again. But sometimes stories are different. If you can stand here and look at a teenager who is having a problem with bullying and all you have to say to them is "get over it. Remember the saying sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" then you're a complete fool and need to think to when you were a teen. What group were you in? Were you in the bullied group or the bully group? Because someone who was in the bullied group wouldn't have the audacity to look at a kid who's going through what they went through and say "just get over it your fine" or "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me". If you're able to say that you were obviously apart of the bully group. Because if you were the one being bullied you'd know that words do hurt. They feel like knives and sharp shards of glass being thrown and shoved into your soul and heart, shattering that innocent and sweet person you were before. Words hurt. They can break someone in two. But what happens if that person isn't the type to reach for help when they need it most? What then? They suffer in silence. Because they believe that if they bring their problems to someone then that person will laugh. What happens when the world gets too hard and they leave? What are you going to do after calling them all those names and now you're standing in front of their grave wishing you could turn back time because now you realize they deserved better?! What are you gonna do? There's nothing you can do. Nothing. So when you look at a teen or if you're another teen who looks at a teen who's struggling and you laugh, just wonder how you'll feel when you stand in front of their grave because they didn't make it to grow old. Imagine the GUILT you'll feel knowing you could have changed their fate and seen them grow and be loved. Imagine that. Imagine that girl or that boy or whoever and whatever they identify as, not growing old like you. Not getting to have a living family. How sick does it make you feel? Or do you not feel sick at all? Are you happy that they'd just... Die? You're happy to stand at their grave and laugh? Are you? Really? Or would you fall down a rabbit hole of guilt? Waking up in cold sweat from a nightmare of not saving them and now they're six feet under. Now think about what I've said. Just think. Now fix you life. Fix your attitude. Become nice. Like the little kid you were. Be them again just not as naive. Be a stronger version of that little kid. Not a colder person. And to all those people who are suffering, speak up. Be loud. Seek help. Your feelings are as valid as any other. Speak up. There are people who love you with all their hearts and you just need to see it. You're not alone. Never alone. There is always light in the dark. And if you think there is no point in living then make a point. Make something that is worth living for. It is going to be hard but we can all do this. And for those who tried to make it to the light but tripped and feel during the race we're all sorry. You tried your hardest and now it's your time to rest. But if you are thinking about making yourself just another grave in the cemetery just wait. Think about this. Your pet will wonder why you left and never came back. your mum will wonder where she went wrong. Your father will miss his little girl/boy. Your grandparents will have to watch you being buried beforw them. And what about your siblings? Who are they going to look up to? A lot of people need you in this world. And if they don't then I do. We love you all. I love you all.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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