Chapter 19

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"Dahyun...I can't live without you !" Jungkook emotionally whispered caressing chaeyoung's face while turning her towards him.

"Emperorrrr..." chaeyoung's voice made Jungkook come out from his reverie.He shook his head slightly to clear his mind.Horrified,  as he absorbed in shock what had just happened, his face expression on her hardened,  like he had just did the most disgusted thing..He immediately released his arms thrusting her away, putting the enough force to back her off of him.

"What have I done ?" Chaeyoung  also thought as she stumbling back, dismayed as she watched Jungkook's eyes go from a soft, laughing clear to cold as steel in a single heartbeat.How had everything spun so completely out of control? she stared in stupefied silence at the man before her, panic rising steadily in her chest that made breathing difficult.Her chest burned. Her muscles felt frozen.

Chaeyoung didn't know why had she done that, why hadn't she stopped him.However what happened to her some moments ago was something she did not want to recall ever again.

"I should never have done that !" it was jungkook who uttered it instead of her. Chaeyoung couldn't reply anything other than just start him in amazement. Jungkook ran his fingers through his hair  conveying a guilty like emotion to her

"Princess.I never meant to lead you on. This just isn’t—it isn’t right. " Saying that in a composed manner.He walked away leaving her in that heavy rain.

Chaeyoung left alone, shaking, shivering. Not because it was cold, because of all the unexplainable, different emotions she felt. Out of emotion she was about to run after him at first but mind taken its control over her heart.Besides had never seen that look in anyone's eyes, what she saw in his eyes was something that almost pluck her heart out.It was killing her to know that just few minutes earlier they were getting lost to each other with all their love, then what made their world upside down ??


The Sun struggled through the persistent mist, sending golden shafts over the royal palace. The thoughts of Dahyun came rushing back unbidden, occupying his mind as they had for the past two years. He had never met a woman so innocent, so beautiful, so quiet, so secure in her skills and wits. So much an angel. That was his Dahyun.It had been two years since heard the sound of her voice, and she had been full of life then, teasing, with a quick wit. She had always so talkative during their walks at the river and later at the gardens. He had not felt it necessary for her to talk even then. It was enough to know that she was there, with him, by his side.Whereas now he is craving for her call...her teasing...her bashful kisses..her everything

"Greeting your Majesty" breaking his reveries , Jungkook heard two familiar male voices from behind.He composed himself instantaneously then turned to greet the two important persons back

In the mean time chaeyoung walked through the long corridor with hesitation.Because she was well aware of the emperor would be there.After a severe battle between mind and heart.She made up in her mind that she will clear everything by facing Emperor jungkook.She also wanted to tell him that she didn't have any intension to get in close with him.What happened them between was a serious mistake.She wanted to share her dilemma with Jungkook because she knew he would understand. When she reached near his room she saw a guard coming out.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐑 // ℝ𝕠𝕤𝕖𝕜𝕠𝕠𝕜Where stories live. Discover now