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I was laying in my bed watching scream and eating popcorn while on the phone with my friend Jen laughing at the girl dying for stupidly stopping while the killer is chasing her "Jen I feel like I would be able to survive a horror movie maybe even an apocalypse, I mean think about it. Be careful who you trust and make alliances with those you can trust. Soon enough you have a team to defend you from anything... like oh no the zombie apocalypse run for your lives. Like no you don't have to run just shoot them in the head" Jen just laughs on her end "Sunny you come up with the weirdest shit, but anyway I called to see if you looked more into the case about the man shoving salt down their dead victims throat?"

I sigh "yea it's um because it takes moisture out of the body. So I am thinking maybe he is trying to hide evidence that is in the body or something. Like think of it, if he raped or got any type of saliva in the body it will suck that up and leave nothing to trace. So try collecting anything from the salt." Jen laughs "thanks sunny love you" I smile "love you too Jen".

I hung up and kept watching my movies until an amber alert goes off on my phone about a man on bath salts bitting and eating other people in his way. I laugh and eat my popcorn then fall asleep after a bit.

I was woken up to the sound of my phone going off so I pick it up half awake "hello...?" Jen is on the other line sounding frantic "Sunny it started! Have you not seen the news! The apocalypse started I-it wasn't a man on bath salts... the more people he bites the more it spreads... you have t-" the sound of gunshots is coming through from Jen's end "Jen what's happening!? Hello?!" The line goes to dial tone "shit!"

I quickly grab my gun, knife and some clothes throwing it in my to go bag from work. I quickly left my house to find Jen and her family. I kept calling her but I had no service. "Damn it!".

I pulled up to her house and to my horror I found her dead with her husband eating her... 'oh god...' I grab my knife and quickly put it in her husbands head killing him instantly then I do the same to her so she couldn't turn. 'I need to go back home...' I get into my Chevy and quickly drive to Georgia. I ran into many dead people on my way, I even got the broadcast to go to Atlanta as soon as I entered Georgia. So I headed there maybe my friends are there...

I wasn't even 15 minutes out when I saw them bombing the city... 'No!'

I sped up and kept driving to find safety that's when I was stopped by an RV. The man gets out and comes to my car so I quickly load my gun just in case I need to kill him.

The old man knocks on my window asking me to roll it down... I slightly do so "what can I help you with sir? I'm trying to find my friends and family... they might be in the city I have to check..." he shakes his head "Atlanta was over ran hun. I have a camp with many people who were trying to go to Atlanta. Maybe your friends are there." I sigh "ok show me the way there." He just nods and starts leading me there.

After a bit of driving we pull into a quarry... I see many people then I see him... I quickly get out of my car and run to him. "Shane!" He turns and sees me running at him so he plants his feet and holds his arms out for hug. I jump into his arms and hug him tightly "Sunny! I've missed you man" I smiles at him

Then I see Lori and a little boy "who's Lori with...? Where's Rick?" Shane sighs "right you left right after high school. So that is Lori and Rick's son Carl... and Rick... he's dead... he got shot and put in a coma weeks before this started. They shot up the hospital he was in." I felt like I was going to cry "oh god... I am so sorry..."

I let go of him "Sunny tell me about your life, I mean we haven't spoken since high school." I sigh "let's sit down and invite Lori and Carl I wanna meet him" he nods and I smile.

We sit by a fire and I tell stories about the bad guys that I caught and told stories about my friends Jen and Adam they laughed at the pranks we would pull on each other...

I told them about my king Ezekiel case... where this man held a woman captive and would go around killing people leaving bible quotes so they could anagram it together to get his address... man that was a fun case.

Lori even let me talk to Carl and introduce myself as his aunt... that made me almost cry...

But then it was bed time for all of us... well everyone besides the person watch.

I went to my tent and sat there smoking my blunt that I rolled up for the night to smoke as I watched TV... that didn't end up happening... I sat there just hoping this will help me calm down...

It took a few days but I started to fit in with the group and I was getting along with everyone except for Daryl Dixon... but he didn't really get along with anyone but his brother.

Merle would always call me sugar tits or doll face. I would call him inbred white trashy it was fun. But I last saw Merle when he went on a run with Glenn, Andrea, T-dog and Morales...

On that run I was assigned to go but Andrea volunteered for me, because I was sick. So I helped out slowly around camp. But hours went by and they weren't back yet... 'I hope that they are ok...'

I did my chores and helped Shane clean the guns. As we were cleaning the guns he kept talking about this woman he wanted but couldn't have... that she was married and it was wrong. But he can't help himself when she flirts with him... or sleeps with him.

He was busy talking to me and cleaning guns until he saw Lori go into the woods... 'damn it Shane...'

I finished cleaning the guns alone and that's when I heard the sound of a car siren "talk to me Dale." He continues to look through his binoculars "I can't tell yet." Amy comes running over "Is it them? Are they back?" Dale puts down his binoculars "I'll be damned." Amy looks at him confused "What is it?" I sigh "stolen car is my guess."

Finally the car comes to a stop and Glenn comes out saying hi smiling like hell. Until Shane and Amy come running at him asking him a million questions, which is overwhelming him... I finally had enough and yelled at them "Shut up! Let the boy speak." They went quiet and Glenn popped the hood for Shane, and Shane stopped the siren.

A few minutes later a cube van pulls in and everyone gets out and goes to their families... I go up to Morales "so how did you get out of there.?" He chuckles "New guy... he got us out." I was confused "new guy?" He nods "Yeah, crazy Vato just got into town. Hey, helicopter boy! Come say hello."

That's when I saw him "Rick...?" He looks at me then Shane... then Lori and Carl, after a few seconds Carl saw him and instantly ran to him "DADDDDD" Rick got tackled into a hug by Carl making my heart melt.

I stood there frozen in shock confused on how he was alive, before I knew it I was running towards him hugging him tightly. We sat there for a minute before I let go of him "uh sorry..." he just chuckles "it's ok Soleil." I face palm "please just call me sunny" he smiles "why is it because I butcher that saying of your name" I chuckle "yes very much so"

After a while we all sat by a fire that's when they bring up Merle... shit... they decided that Rick should tell him and that I should calm him down. I looked at them like they were stupid. Me and Dixon hate each other with a passion..

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2023 ⏰

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