the melody of a flute

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Chapter 1/1

The last thing Xiao can remember was the beautiful melody of a flute; it calmed every bit of his senses.

Xiao woke up; his head felt like he'd been hit by a truck, no- even worse than that, he felt as if people had been hitting him with rocks, not stopping until his skull was crushed into many different pieces. He wasn't stupid, he knew what was going on, it was the fate for every Yaksha, and he wasn't going to be an exception. He has a difficult time recalling exactly when it happened to him, maybe around 2,000 years ago, but he's been cursed with this karmic debt for as long as he can remember; it relentlessly attacks his mind and body. The only peace Xiao can find in this painful existence is when he hears that melody... he doesn't know why it calms his senses so much, perhaps music is the reason in general. At least Xiao had thought so, many times, but it just doesn't seem to work; he plays and listens to music, yet none of them seem to work as well as that flute had.

While Xiao was thinking about what could've made his karma be so peaceful for once in his life, there was a faint sound of twigs and leaves hitting each other. Xiao instantly reacted, he grabbed his spear and went closer to the bushes behind him, the only thought in his mind was that he knew whatever this was, wasn't human. Out came a small crimson fox, which was even more weird considering these kinds of species aren't from Liyue, they're from Mondstadt. He was even more lost, 'they're only from Mondstadt, why is there a fox in Liyue... who let it free, are they in the bushes? This all makes no sense...' Xiao believed there must be someone who let it free, and the culprit was still there, watching Xiao behind the bushes. 

"Who's there. Come out, now." 

Xiao said, trying to intimidate the culprit behind the bush, hoping they would run off in fear. What Xiao never expected to see was the flute player, he didn't know the name of said flute player, but he knew how they looked.

Venti popped out of the bushes, doing his signature move, he put his hand on the back of his head and started scratching it, as if he was caught stealing some cookies, sticking his tongue out slightly, and winking.

"Haha, I guess you caught me"

Xiao stayed silent. He didn't know what to say in this situation, well he doesn't usually know what to say. He stood there staring at Venti until he heard Venti awkwardly clear his throat.

"Anyways.... I was looking for a place to sit and play some tunes at, do you want to hear a bard's lovely melody?"

Xiao wanted to nod, but he knew that staying near anyone would likely infect them with karmic debt or something equally as bad. He sat there only answering with an -

"Why... you do know of my karma, don't you? That's why you played the flute that one time."

Venti chuckled, of course he knew, he was the anemo archon after all, an especially smart one at that.

"Perhaps, but why should that matter now, it can't effect a bard as amazing as me."

Venti smirks at his own praise.

Xiao is confused, he feels like he can trust what this unknown bard says to him, though he still is worried. He sits down and looks at the other person.

"Okay, I'll listen..."

Venti's face lit up; as a bard, he loved playing music for people, but as a friend, he loved playing music for Xiao.

Xiao felt calmer and more at peace; he even felt that his heart was racing. He's no idiot, he knows why. 

Though he will deny it till the end of time.

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