Chapter 3: ???

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  Suddenly You open your eyes and feel a cold chilly breeze in the air. You are standing in the hall of a castle, the walls are made of stone and the floor is covered with red carpets. The only light comes from the candles that flicker in the darkness. You wonder how you got here and what this place is .As you look around, you hear a distinctive voice coming from the other end of the hall. It sounds deep, smooth, and confident. You can't see who it belongs to, but you feel a shiver down your spine. The voice says: "Reveal yourself mortal! I can't tell if you're a foe or friend?" You try to see who is speaking, but you can't make out any features. The voice seems to come from a shadowy figure that stands nearly close to you. But you sense that he is powerful and dangerous. You wonder what he wants from you and what he will do to you. You wait for him to say something more, but he remains silent. He seems to be studying you, trying to figure out who you are and why you are here. You feel his gaze on you, piercing through your soul. You wish you could see his face, but you also fear what you might find. As it approaches closer to you to notice its purple glowing eyes as it grasps your neck gently as you back a little to reveal yourself in moonlight coming through the tall window glass from the castle. As it spoke once more "'re just a mere mortal not that hunter." he whispers in a smooth voice as he lets go of your neck and emerges into the moonlight. You stare at him in awe as you recognize his face. It was the vampire nerd himself but not in the blocky roblox version, but instead Hackula wears glasses that glint in the lunar glow, suspenders that fit his slim frame, a button-up that shows off his muscular chest, and plaid pants that match his dark hair. His bowtie is a smart bat with mini glasses on it, adding a hint of humor to his look. He also has a cape with a sleek collar. You are astonished as you see him in the moonlight looking handsome and charming. His outfit makes him look classy and refined. You feel a spark of attraction and curiosity as you stare at him, as you snap out of it when you hear his voice "So mortal what brings you into my humble home?" Now that you thought of it you were uncertain how to respond to his question. You only want to go home as how amazing it was to see Hackula up close and in person something about it felt like something bad was going to occur. "Uh..I just want to go back home?" He held his hand on his chin to think as for the other hand on his waist as he let out a sigh and said. "I see, Very well then you could stay here for tonight, but by the morning you leave." he tilted it his head to the side signaling to you to follow him as he had his arms cross as you two walk in the halls deep in leading into two other hallway to your left and right as he extend his left hand pointing at the left side of the hallway that lead to upstairs of the second floor of the castle as he turn to you. "Alright then mortal, to your left just head upstairs the first door to your right well lead you to the guest room, and one more thing Don't go in the other side of the hall THAT's my domain, got that mortal?" He leans towards you with a dark smirk on his face giving you a firm stare as you nodded and felt a cold shiver on your spine by how close he was towards you, as he titles back and turns away from you as he heads to the hall where it leads to the castle door entrances. As you head upstairs as you turn to your right entering the guest room to see it's a spacious chamber that reflects his dark and elegant taste. The room has a high ceiling, with a crystal chandelier hanging from it. The chandelier emits a soft and dim light, creating a cozy and mysterious atmosphere. The most prominent feature of the room is the bed, which is located at the far end of the room. The bed is a four-poster bed, with black silk sheets and pillows. The bedposts are carved with intricate designs of bats and roses, and the canopy is draped with sheer lace curtains. The bed is large enough to accommodate several guests, or one very hungry vampire. also has a private bathroom, which is connected to the main chamber by a door. The bathroom is tiled with white and silver mosaic, and has a large bathtub, a shower, a sink, and a toilet. The bathroom also has a window, which is covered with heavy drapes that can be opened or closed as desired. As you walk next to the bed grab the sheet as you slide yourself under the sheets, feeling their smoothness against your skin. As you turn off the lamp on the bedside table, plunging the room into darkness. Only hears nothing but silence, and feels nothing but emptiness. As you close your eyes, and fall asleep. To tell yourself that you were lucky to be in this room, and enjoy this while it lasted. As Hackula glazed up in the night sky while a cold windy breeze as he stood outside of his castle as he took a deep breath. Meanwhile in the other side of the castle in front of it has a dark forest surround with dead trees filled with a thick fog as two strangers come across to a stop in front of the dark forest, to be Gaslighter detective and Agatha as they look around and prepared themself to get rid of Hackula in for all. Agatha seemed worried as she looked at Gaslighter and said. "I believe we should rethink the plan . I have dealt with him and have more experience than you. I don't think you're ready to face him just yet." He scoffed and showed her the stake launcher. She knew that the weapon was still a prototype; it wasn't yet ready to be used as she looked at him with a disappointed look, as he just stared and held it as he says. "I know, I know...this could be our chance to test it out. And who knows, maybe it could kill him." as she sighed looking down as she held out her crossbow and looked in front of the dark forest in their path that leads to Hackula's castle. "There's no turning back now, So I hope you're ready?" Gaslighter lighted a firework throwing it in the air as it reach high above them as it explode with sparks of flare lights it caught the attention of Hackula as flew above the dark forest and spotted the two hunters as he whisper to himself while he licked his lips as he smile evilly at them. "There you are...hunter." as he slowly lands right in front of them while giving them a dark glare as he licks once more his lips thrilled on what the two hunters have in store for him for this fight. Gaslighter and Agatha were in position as she aimed and fired at Hackula as he caught the arrow before it could even hit his eye; he was intrigued but not impressed. Agatha rushed at him as she pulled out her stake as Hackula grabbed both of her arms gently as he looked directly at her eyes as his eyes glowed bright purple as he grinned. "Aww... You usually give a good fight darling. Why is it that you're holding back umm?" As Agatha said earlier she had more experiences on fighting Hackula then others, and it seems that he has studied her every move and attacks when they both fought to notice that she hasn't even attacked harshly just lightly at him. Gaslighter fired striking a stake at Hackula's left shoulder letting go of Agatha from his grasp as he yelled in pain as he removed the stake from his shoulder as Agatha backed away to switch her weapon to a pistol while Gaslighter kept firing stakes at him as he got closer towards Hackula. As Hackula dodge each stake to see him approach closer towards him as his eyes glowed intensely bright purple ready to strike. Gaslighter filled the stake launcher with holy water aiming directly at his face as Hackula strike with his claws as he fired the holy water on his face getting in his eyes as he slide under between Hackula's leg to reach Agatha as she look Hackula rage in pain he felt in his eyes rubbing off the holy water this made gaslighter laugh cause Hackula to locate him where he was as he leap at him pinning him to ground as gaslighter was about shot another steak at him. Hackula grabs the steak launcher from his hand and crushes it as he throws it to the side as he opens his mouth wide to bite on his neck to taste his blood as for gaslighter fight back not allow him to get the chance to taste his blood. Agatha yelled out Hackula ''YOUR RIGHT! I AM GOING EASY ON YOU!" This got his attention as he's focused only on her, curious in fact to know why she's going easy on him in this fight that includes this weak partner. "Tell me Agatha, why bring this weak partner of yours, to this battle uh?" as she fired her pistol at him as he dodge the bullet still pinning gaslighter to the ground as he slowly stood up, holding him in his grasp as his smile widened to devilish grin, its eyes bright more intense. Agatha just looked worried and sighs "Just let him go, this final fight was supposed to be between me and you. He just wanted to end this fight once in for all." Hackula sensed that wasn't the whole truth as he tightened his grip on gaslighter's neck as he laughed maniacally at her. "WAHAHAAAA! You can't fool me Agatha, were you trying to end our fight or end his life dearly?" Gaslighter was confused with Hackula responds as he looked at her, she knew she couldn't hide the truth from Hackula. For an overlord vampire he can sense and tastes the emotion of his prey it what gain him the upper hand as for him the first time to sense her emotion of guilt and worried as he licked his lips waiting patiently for her response but she had to be quick his patients was slipping away slowly. Agatha drop her pistol on the ground as she raise her hands up showing Hackula that she's defenseless as he loses his grip on gaslighter's neck. "Wise choice , hunter." as gaslighter slowly grab a stake on the side of his pants Hackula was focus on her as she started to walk slowly towards her then that when gaslighter strike the steak at his right ankle as he yelled in agony by the stab as he turn back facing gaslighter as he grab him by neck once again, and flew in mid air as he face back at Agatha. "Don't mind me, dearling as I feed from his blood!" as she jump to reach and grab the steak where gaslighter stab as he groan in pain as he flew a little higher from the ground now flying above the dark forest as he fell in the entrances of his castle rolling in between the two hallways that lead from the guest room and his chamber rooms as he stand up as he remove the streak from his right ankle as he turn around to see the two hunter pointing their weapons at him as he smirk nervously at them. "Heheheee...uhh...time out?" as he stepped back a little to notice your presence as you awakened from your sleep walking down stairs as he smiled. "So hunter you have a choice, leave my domain and I'll let you live, if you don't ...well." as Hackula stayed behind you as you were clueless to the situation as Agatha shouted at you to warn you about the danger but you were barely waking from your sleep. "Stay away from him, you have no idea what he's capable of." As he fix his glasses and walk in front of you as he grab your chin gentle to face him, his expression showed of worrying has with his other hand about to place his hand on your face gaslighter throws a steak once more it went in between Hackula's hand as he kneel down from the pain as he looked at you. You can see his eyes pleading for help as Gaslighter and Agatha approach slowly at Hackula, as you hear him whisper to you. "You wouldn't let your overlord die, Would you? I only ask for your blood to regain my strength, and heal my wounds." you were worried and scared of what's happening, and why these two hunters wanted to kill Hackula, as you got close to him, Hackula opened slowly his mouth had his fangs slowly sharpened as your neck was close to his mouth as he whispered to you. "I won't hurt much...mortal hehehe." as he bites your neck drinking only the amount that he needed which was bit enough to heal his wounds as he regains his strength as he stands up and turns to see the two hunters as he licks his lips from the blood as he holds on your shoulder. "So what's the choice hunters, live another day or die at my grasp?" Agatha stands in front as she holds out a steak that gaslighter give her as defense as Hackula laughs to see how pathetic and defenseless now that he regains his strength and healed his wounds as he was about to attack them. You grab his arm as he turns to you and asks. "Now what mortal, don't you see-" as he stared at your eyes with fear and worry as he looked back at the hunters as he sighed. "Ughh ....fine mortal. If it's to get rid that stare of yours off me. "I spare you two hunters, NOW leave before I change my mind." Gaslighter and Agatha seem to think it could be a trick as Hackula gives them a death stare. "LEAVE ...NOW!" they both rushed out of Hackula's castle as he scoffed and sigh of relief he thought. *hmmm...the mortal was lucky to not see me kill them. Oh? How delicious it would been. seeing them plead for mercy.* He noticed that you were still giving him those innocent eyes as he let out a deep sigh to turn to you with his arm crossed while he raised an eyebrow looking directly at your eyes. " the way what was that just from earlier?" as he places his hand gently holding her chin as he kneels down to your level as his purple glow dim looking directly at your eyes. "Oh that mortal, Just some hunters trying to get rid of's really nothing." you just looked surprised at his response but I guess not worried by how powerful and strong he is in battle. As you blushed a bit and looked down while you held your hands together. He notices this sudden change of your behavior, and emotion as he caresses her face with his hand on the side of your face while he smiles a bit. "OOH...mortal, were you worried about me earlier? There is really nothing to worry about after all, you are my guest and my home is the safest place to be at night." To feel his cold touch on your face in a way it felt comforting and relaxing, as he whispered in your ear. "Perhaps you'll be safe with me, I should reward you for giving me your blood after all, consider it my thanks to you mortal." as he carries you like a bride as he takes you to the other side of the hallway as it leads to his room as he places you gently on his bed as he looks at you while smiling with delight as he closes his eyes for a bit as he sat down on the side of the bed. You just blushed that you were in his room. It is a blend of classic and modern, where the old and the new coexist in harmony. The walls are painted with a royal purple color, matching his outfit. The shelves are filled with books and gadgets, reflecting his diverse interests. The carpet is soft and cozy, The chandelier is elegant and bright, illuminating his work. The fireplace is warm and inviting, creating a cozy atmosphere. The desk is large and spacious, holding his papers, pens, and gadgets. Next to it had a globe detailed and accurate, showing his knowledge of the world. The iron maiden is decorative and harmless, adding a touch of humor to his room. The gaming chair is ergonomic and advanced, allowing him to play video games and hack into various systems. Also has a large monitor, a keyboard, a mouse, and a headset, all connected to his powerful computer. An area where he enjoys playing various genres of games, from strategy to action to horror. He also likes hacking into various networks, from government to corporate to criminal. He is always looking for new challenges and adventures in the virtual world. He is the master of this room, and it's clear no one can beat him in his games or hacks. Hackula notice by how fascinated you were by his room as he smile as he gently stroke your face with his cold hand in up close his hand very incredible big but the way how he gently touch your face with just care and careful with sharp nails to not cut your skin as he place his hand away from your face. As you lean close towards him as you place your head on his chest, Hackula was nervous he had never allowed anyone to be this close towards him. He felt appreciated by your kind gesture, but as well if he wanted to taste your blood once more or for you to stay away from him he was being spit on by his instinct and emotion as you started to embrace him close to you. As he faced his body towards you, while he started to breathe heavily letting out warm breath close to your ear as you gazed up at him. You notice the pupil of his eyes glowing bright purple as his fangs seem to grow slowly sharper by every second as you try to back away as he has his arms wrapped around you not letting you go. "I'm sorry, mortal. I'm trying so hard to not give in my instinct to taste your blood." as he let go you as you back away a little from him as he held his hand covering half of his face as he growl fighting his urge to feed from your blood as he licked his lips as he push his body back kneel down beside his bed while other his half on his bed as you sat there seeing him fighting his thirsty for blood. You reach your hand to pat his head as you come to stop to notice he stop struggling and slowly rise his head to glare at you with bright purple eyes as he grab gentle your hand wrist as he pin you on his bed as he sat up admiring your every part of your body as he place his hand once more on your face as he lean down close to your neck as he lick it tasting your skin as he sat up back to realized on what's he doing that he snap from his urge as he back away from you. As you grab his hand before he could leave. "Hackula...wait, if your hunger is what you need to satisfy then I wouldn't mind giving you my blood for you to feed" He seem fluttered but his hunger is becoming more stronger it couldn't wait any longer he had no choice to accept your offer as he lean close to your neck as he open his mouth pressing his fangs on your skin as it goes through as you felt your warm blood flow out as he began to drink your blood. You hold back any sound from your mouth to not alert or provoke him to not make him get on any funny ideas. As you can hear him groan softly as he drinks your blood as he places his hand on yours gently as he didn't let not a single drop of your blood to waste. He licked his lips as his expression changed to a smug smirk on his face as he got close to your face as he got a good glance of you as he backed away slowly from you. "Thank you once again, mortal...aren't you lucky to be with me. Would you like to embrace this vampire overlord?" you seem surprise with his responds as you sat up while you blush his eyes glow more vividly bright as he lean close to you about.  

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