Chapter 1

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Cosette was on a plane seated next to her older brother, Beau. The two were going to Tokyo so Cosette and Beau could have the opportunity to achieve their dreams "Un aǐné...when will we reach Tokyo...?" the Brown-haired pouted. She was getting extremely bored by sitting on the flight for the whole day "We'll reach in an hour or so. Are you feeling unwell?" Beau was concerned for Cosette's health since she had just recovered from a fever "No, I'm fine! I'm just bored!" She pouted. Beau liked his childish sister. He chuckled at her actions and words as he patted her head "Why don't you sleep for a while" suggested Beau. The Chocolate pouted, annoyed that they had a long wait of an hour ahead of them. She sighed out of annoyance "Fine...". She shut her eyes tight and instantly fell asleep. Beau was surprised by his sister as she fell asleep as soon as she closed her eyes, but he didn't drive further as he thought she was tired. 

After about an hour, Beau awoke his sister "We've reached Tokyo, sis!!". Cosette was on cloud 9 "Really?!" she exclaimed. She was ecstatic as she started jumping around. Her brother chuckled at the childish behavior and held her hand, saying "Let's go out the flight. We can go to the house we built in Tokyo". Cosette excitedly nods her head. The two take their carry-on bags down from the capsule. Cosette had a suitcase that screamed 'moeee', but the blonde brother had the opposite aura. "Let's hope we'll catch a taxi quick enough..." Beau's sharp eyes glanced at his phone, booking a taxi for the both of them. Luckily, they got one right away! "Lucky! We got one so fast!!" says Cosette,   "Come inside, I don't have all day," said the driver. They both glance at each other as they get into the back of the car. Cosette brushes off the dust on her mini skirt as she adjusts her cute crop top. The brownie looked at her brother and said, "Look at your outfit! It's filled with dust too!" she brushed it off from his blue jeans and white buttoned shirt. Beau smiles, "Will you two shut up?" the driver says, annoyed. The siblings look at each other and stay quiet for the rest of the ride, having no intention of disturbing the silence that flowed in the car.

After a long hour of silence, the two reached a two-story villa. They pay the driver the many as he goes off, annoyed. "Man, he was a pain in the butt!!" Beau says, "Right? I thought taxi drivers would like to talk! That's one of the reasons I learned Japanese!!" Cosette exclaims as they walk to the door of their new house, "We can't help's over anyways now..." says Beau as they enter their home. It looked like a comfy bunk to live in. There was a grand piano in the open space too! Cosette would usually play it. A flat-screen TV was on the wall and the living room had pictures of their family everywhere. The dining room was executive and pretty, fit for 5 people at the very least. The two go up the stairs and are greeted by their husky and British-long hair. "Oh!! Lord Hunkyhair!!!" Cosette grasps her cat and hugs him tight while her brother hugs Snow, their dog, "Oh, I'm sleeping with her today!" said her brother.

It was a tiring day and tomorrow was another big one. Cosette tiredly goes to her bed with her beloved Lord Hunkyhair. She lays down in her bed, "Home sweet home..." she mutters in a low voice.

*The next day*

"Bye, Un aǐné!" Cosette was walking out the main door to go to her idol audition. It was her only dream in life and she was 16 now! Of course, she'd be allowed to audition!  "Where is it...ah! There you are!" Cosette exclaims as she sets her eyes on a big building labeled 'Star Productions'. Cosette took a deep breath and looked at her reflection from the tinted glass windows. She was wearing a flowy pink dress with flowers which was pretty short. She had boots with golden lining on and cute sunglasses.  She sighed and thought 'I'm sure I look fine'. She then opened the door, the interior was clean and black, she went to the receptionist and asked "Excuse me, mam, do you know where the audition place is?" the receptionist noticed her and said, "Of course, it's right down your let down the hallway". Cosette thanked her and started moving her way to the audition site. As she saw the door, she started feeling extremely anxious 'Oh god! I hope I get in...' she thought to herself as she opened the door. There were many close to her age seated in the room. She sat down beside a blonde-haired boy. "Hey there," He said, his Green eyes scanning her appearance. "Hi..." she replies, "I'm Cose- Ahhh!"  Cosette shriekes in surprise as the blondie gently holds up her hand and kisses it. Cosette's face was redder than a tomato. Just then, a boy with black hair and sharp silver eyes intertwined "Excuse me sir, but I have a feeling she doesn't like being touched like that" said the boy. Cosette sighed in relief as the boy came in between "Oh! Who are you?" The blondie had an expression of pure confusion on his face. "None of your business, just leave her alone!" said the crow-haired "I'm just being formal with her! It's my family's way of showing respect!" said  Blonde as he moved aside, giving space for the other one to sit down "Uh...thanks for your help...?" Cosette seemed grateful for the huge help "Tch" the strange boy grunted and looked away "Uh...what's your name?" asked the chocolate. The crow lifted his bow and sat beside Cosette "Hiro. Inoe Hiro." Hiro's sharp silver eyes locked onto her hazel eyes, catching her off guard "Uh...Cosette Allard" "I didn't ask for your name, sigh" Said Hiro. Cosette just stays quiet, knowing best not to interfere with him anymore. "I need, Cosette Allard, Inoe Hiro, Inoe Jiro, and Olaf Jensen, to come to the audition room," said the announcer. The 4 got up from their seats and they made their way to the audition room. Of course, Cosette felt nervous. This one moment is going to decide her whole life. Her life "Well then, you have all prepared a song, I presume..." said one of the judges, the 4 nodded their heads "...Inoe Jiro...Why don't you come up first." The first thing Cosette noticed was how similar he looked to Hiro. He was as tall as him and had the same small sharp eyes. But his aura was much more approachable than the other. "Hello. I am 17 years old. I am Inoe Jiro. My audition will be based on dancing," Says the Black-haired. "Okay, state your song," said one of the judges. 

Jiro danced spectacularly. His emotions through his steps captivated everyone in the room. Cosette felt as if her heart had been stabbed by a bunch of emotions. She felt herself drawn to his vigorous steps which had just the right amount of energy. The judges were stunned but refused to let it show, "You can sit down, please. I would like Inoe Hiro to come up now," 

 "Hello. I'm 19 years old and my purpose for auditioning is singing," says Hiro. The judges nod their heads as Hiro starts singing an acapella. His voice was deep and he hit his notes with accuracy. Despite being an Alto, he could hit quite the high notes. Cosette takes notes for her performance, seeing how he shows his emotions with precision. She feels the tears forming in her eyes as the Crow performs 'The Last Rose of Summer'. No, that shouldn't break her. Not here...not now! Thankfully, Cosette didn't break. Finally, his performance was over and she could relax with ease. Again, the judges showed no sign of emotion as they called for Cosette to come on.

Cosette stood up, her flowy pink dress and her Light chocolate hair swaying in sync. She walks up to the judges, her short stature already giving a slight look of disapproval from the judges, "Uh...I'm 16 years old purpose is singing". The judges look at each other, noting her slight awkwardness. Another down point. But it all changed when Cosette opened her mouth. Her singing was raw and shaped. She was singing a French song, from her native land. 'Voìla'. It was a song filled with emotions which her accented and sweet voice pin-pointed with precision and technique. Again, the judges showed no sign of emotion, but an arrow struck Hiro's heart. The Crow blushed slightly. He was impressed but...what was this feeling in his chest? Was this Hate? Jealousy? He had no idea. But when Cosette glanced his way, he looked away, feeling his face heat up as if it was on fire. He would put this strange feeling in hate, for now...

She sat down in her seat, internally panicking. She messed up the audition. She was way too awkward and short! Cosette lifts her head and notices the last guy auditioning. It was the same who talked to her before in a way of respect for his family. His height was average and he had Dirty Blonde hair with perfect golden locks. His Grass-green eyes locked onto the judge's faces with confidence, " My name is Olaf Olsen and I'm 17 years old. My purpose for auditioning is dancing" He says. The judges stared at him and seemed to like his confidence. The Blondie dances with technique and accuracy. The dance was complete with style and he was certainly exceptional. His face said it all, as he glided through the air in a jump. Cosette for sure was impressed. 

The judges' reaction was as usual and they dismissed them by saying, "All four of you should expect a call from us by the end of the week. If you get none, you fail"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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