Chapter 3 Pt. 1

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When all the mobs had been killed, I dropped my branch and placed my hands on my knees, exhausted.

A thump from behind me caught my attention and, when I turned around, I saw the guy on his knees, sword in the ground, supporting him.

He looked really pale and I caught him before his head hit the ground. Looking up to the sky, I squinted thought the rain. I couldn't tell how late it was but I know that, if I didn't start morning soon, more mobs would show up and, no matter how skilled I was, I wouldn't be able to protect the two of us.

I looked in the direction my house was and knew it was to far to try and carry him back so, taking a deep breath, I placed to fingers in my mouth and whistled a tune for as long and as loud as I could.

I listened as my whistle echoed through the valley until I couldn't hear it. After my whistle faded, I peeled off my rain coat and, using the man's sword, I cut it into strips, using it to put pressure on the arrow wounds.

I don't dare try to remove them. Not until I'm in a more sanitized area.

Just as I finished, I heard pounding footsteps and, when I turned, I saw my black Mustang, Ender, come running over. I climbed to my feet and raised my hands to calm him down. "Hey, boy. Thank you for coming." I said, rubbing his snout. "Do you think you can carry him back?" I asked, turning to the unconscious man on the ground.

Ender gave something like a nod and I smiled. "Thank you." I whispered, placing my forehead on his snout.

Walking back over the the man, I hooked my arms under the man's armpits, mindful of his wounds, and carried him over to Ender, who kneeled down to help me put the man on his back. Grabbing some vines from a nearby tree, I used it to secure him to Ender back.

"Alright boy, let's start moving." I said patting Enders side. Ender got back to his feet and began to follow me.

As we walked, the rain had given up, but I was already soaked so it didn't matter to much. The walk back was slow, and I was on edge the entire time. It was still dark and there hadn't been a single mob since the fight in the woods and it didn't seem right.

We hadn't walked much farther when I saw lanterns flickering in the distance. When I got closer, my house faded into view. I placed a hand on Enders neck to give myself some support as we got closer.

When we were with view, someone ran out of the house and I saw it was Zac. He ran over and I collapsed in his arms, wrapping my arms around him tightly.

"Oh my god I was so worried about you." Zac said, running his hand through my hair. "When I came down stairs you weren't on the couch and Smith was barking on the front porch."

"I'm sorry, Zac. I didn't mean to worry you." I said, my head in the crook of his neck. "But I need some help." I said, pulling back.

"With what?" Zac asked, looking worried.

I stepped to the side, and that's when he saw Ender calmly stains in the rain, with an unconscious man on his back. Zac's face paled when he saw the arrows.

"Let's get him inside."

Hey guys!

I'm so so so sorry this was late 😭

Anywho... whatcha think??? Chapter 3 was initially gonna be a lot longer than it is rn, so expect a pt 2 soon!

Also, pwease help me with some new characters. I honestly have no clue who else to put, and my girl Adalyn needs to have some friends. If you want to have your own character in here, just ask! 😁
Word count: 683

See y'all next week and I'll try not to be late this time! 🤪


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