Before I Fall

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"Your lying, and you were lying before." Scott accused me, his voice getting a bit louder now. I hesitated, looking frantically around at everybody. I quickly stand up, along with everyone else.

"How could you even say that! I don't know why his clothes are here okay? Im not lying!" I start to yell now, I could feel my stomach burning with rage. I pace around my room, instead of being angry now, I was starting to get scared almost. I found myself not being able to breath now. I had no idea what was happening to me. I found myself shaking as I slowly stopped pacing, slowly resting my shaking hand against my chest.

"Y/n? Are you alright?" Kira asks, slowly walking towards me cautiously, like I was an exploding bomb.

"I-Im fine." I managed to speak finally, feeling my heartbeat slow down to a normal pace. I let out a shaky breath, relaxing my body as best as I could.

"Y/n, we think Void has a connection towards you." Lydia comments randomly, as if the thought was gnawing at her to scream it. I look at her in confusion, and I drop my hand back down to my side and I chuckle a bit at her stupid thinking.

"Your being ridiculous." I looked at everyone, they seemed very unconvinced that they were wrong. Suddenly Allison steps forward, her hands gesturing around me.

"Think about it y/n. Scott is constantly smelling him all over you. You never tell us anything that happens, and when we ask, you just lie."

I was stunned to hear this coming from them, I roll my eyes, denying the fact that they think Void likes me. I shake my head, and I walk over to my bed, sitting down on the foot of it, still looking at everyone.

I lick my lips, glancing at his hoodie that was laying beside me. I felt the knot in my stomach begin to tighten more and more. I look at them once again, was it true? It didn't make any sense to me.

"And since your half banshee and seer, we believe that hes obsessed with you because he can use your powers to benefit himself." Allison began to talk, but trailed off. I felt the tension in the room just like the knot in my stomach.

"What's your point? What should we do about it?" I ask, my eyes wide. I wasn't sure what to do at all, then again, I don't know one time since I've arrived at Beacon Hills of a situationship that I knew exactly what to do.


We all snap our heads towards the door frame, seeing the one and only Stiles Stilinski. We think. Of course, instead of taking precautions, everyone leaped up and hugged Stiles. I watched as I stood up from my bed. In my head I kept on getting cut in's of Stiles and Void, almost like it was glitching.

Everyone is leaning in for the hug, I can hear some crying as well. Their backs all turned to me as I just observed. I narrowed my eyes, staring at 'Stiles', then suddenly he looked up at me with his eyes, and locked his gaze with mine. It felt dark, and mysterious. I just stared at him, my eyebrows knitted together in confusion, just continuing to gaze into his dark eyes.

Suddenly he winked at me with a slight smirk plastered across his face, but he quickly looked at everyone he was hugging. My eyes widened, I hesitated, about to say something but everyone had broke away. Then suddenly, I wasn't sure why, but I chose to keep quiet.

"What the hell happened to me..?" He asked, tears in his eyes, everyone believed the tears and fear. I knew the truth though.

"It doesn't matter, were just glad your okay!" Lydia whispered loudly, tears streaming down her face in happiness. He gave a small smile, then looked up at me.

"H-hi y/n."

It was all just an act. What was his goal? I began to zone out with thoughts overwhelming my head. My brain started to pound. I couldn't take all it anymore. I just looked up at Void, or Stiles and just stared at him. He stared at me, on the outside he looked just like the normal Stiles. But I knew deep down, Stiles was gone.

"Yes?" I reply vaguely, continuing to stare at him, almost threatenly.

"Wait, has Scott turned you yet?" He asked, turning around at Scott, his eyes wide in fear and anxiousness.

Scott opened his mouth, about to say something until Allison interrupted him completely. I saw Void slowly turn towards her, I could almost see the anger shine through his dark brown eyes.

"No, we decided not too. Since you- or I mean, Void, well we think that Void wants y/n for her powers."

Stiles glanced at me threw the corner of his eye, I stared at Scott, my eyebrows furrowed in shock.

"What why? You promised! What the hell!"

Scott sighed, walking back over towards me, holding his hands out in a way trying to calm me down.

"Y/n is right! Im trying my best not to let him in, I can hold him off." Stiles/Void comments, staring at everyone, hoping to get their approval. I just turn to him, my eyes completely narrowed, I understood what he was doing now. It was just his little game.

"Actually, I understand. Its okay, maybe we can do it when this is all over." I try sounding upset, I looked down at my shoes, but look up at Void with my eyes, I noticed he was giving me a death glare.

"No guys! Think about it! She's in more danger than she is being triggered!" Stiles was trying to convince them to let Scott trigger me. As much as I wanted it, I didn't want it in this way.

"You know guys, I don't even think Void is that powerful. He just gets into other peoples bodies cause he cant show his ugly ass bandaged face." I say, trying to sound convincing, while I could practically see his nostrils flaring. I smirked at him while the others just looked at eachother. Then all of a sudden, Void looked at me, faking a confused face as he said "Wait y/n. You know what he looks like when hes not.. m-me?"

I froze in place. Everyone turned to me, realizing the exact same thing as Void had. Hadn't told the pack I was having visions of Void. Void had put me on the spot once again, I looked at him, seeing him smirking at me slightly.

"Ill turn you."

Everyone turns to Scott suddenly in shock, including Void.

"Well clearly you're not telling the truth with any of us at all. So, I'm gonna turn you, but you can help us with your full seer abilities." Scott explains, glancing at everyone as he spoke.

"Scott, I, Im sorry, but I don't need to be--

"Y/n, hes right, we cant trust you. So we might as well just force you to be on our side. Unless you'd rather be on Void side." Lydia asked in a snarky way.

I started to panic, I wouldn't let Void take me. But before I could do anything, as quick as a lash, Scott had bit me. I screamed in pain, dropping myself to the ground, holding my bit. Though, flashes of lights surrounded me, I saw Void everywhere for split seconds, then my father, and the whole family. I could hear everything around me even more now, it was heightened even higher than before, causing my ears to ring. I screamed, covering my ears in pain.

"Stiles is Void!" I screamed, my eyes are shut close, but suddenly it all stopped just as I had said that. Everything was back to normal, I slowly open my eyes, uncovering my ears now, looking around anxiously.

"Damn. Thats a pity you all had to find out." Void said, the last part rolling off his tongue with a slight click. Everyone turned to him in fear, but shortly after Void ran up to me, grabbed me tightly, and we disappeared.

|| This chap wasn't the best, so my apologies lol ||

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