The end is the new beginning

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*Clarke is entering the room*
Clarke: Hi
*Lexa looks up from her work*
Lexa: Hi
Clarke: Are you ready?
Lexa: Yeah, as ready I can be
Clarke: Don't be nervous, they are going to love you as I do.
Lexa: If you say so
*Lexa standing up going with Clarke outside*
Clarke: Hi everyone
*Everybody in looks up and stops what there are doing*
Clarke: This is Lexa she is my... friend and you going to treat her with respect.
*Everyone is quite*
Lexa: Hi everyone I hope that I'm welcome here and that I can be part of you guys.
*Nobody seem to have problem with it and go back to work*
Octavia: Hi
Clarke: Hi, I want you to meet Lexa
Lexa: Hi
Octavia: Hi welcome
Lexa: Thanks
Octavia: Clarke is it anything you want me to help with?
Clarke: Can you take the lead when I'm gone
Octavia: Yeah ofc
Clarke: Good
*Then Octavia leaves*
Clarke: Okey I can show you around and then we will get to work.
Lexa: Yeah, sounds good
*Clarke show Lexa around and then helps around with the camp, Clarke take the lead again*
Clarke: This is Raven, Hope, Murphy, Emori, Jackson, Miller, Echo, Niylah, Indra, Jordan and Octavia that you already meet.
Lexa: Hi everyone, nice to meet you all
*They took Lexa in like their own and now all is sitting by the fire eating and taking. When the sun is going down*

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