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The sound of birds chirping was faint in the distance, Tari walked up to the steps of the beautiful white patio, it was surrounded by flowers and there were vines wrapped around the pillars. "You surely been making progress on your mission MR800" Tari turned around, being greeted by SMG1. "Hello SMG1, I been looking into the case file more and I noticed a link between the other deviants, and-" "and you been getting close to your partner as well," "Lieutenant Speltzer? Of course, she's my partner and-" "Awfully too Close" SMG1 said coldly, "be careful detective. I can easily replace you if things get... complicated. You are a machine, not just some buddy to hang out with. You are programmed to do your job." SMG1 stated, his tone still cold. "I know you won't Fail me MR800" Tari just stared at the man, "I won't, I'll be more careful"

She walked to the desk, only to hear a door slam. Meggy walked over to the desk and sat down, angrily mumbling as she typed something on her keyboard, pulling up her files and looking them over. "Lieutenant? Is something wrong?" "Nothing is wrong, just frustrated is all..." Meggy grumbled, running her own fingers through her hair. "Do you want me to look at the files? I have connected some of the cases." Tari shifted a bit towards her, looking at the screen, she didn't noticed Meggy's face turning onto a bright shade of red. "Y-yeah sure- sure.." Meggy backed up a bit in her office chair as Tari looked through the files and the new ones. "Some of the deviants have developed this sort of.. myth.. "RA9... from what I gathered from the interrogation when we caught that deviant, it's was one of the first ones to become "sentient" and-" a notification sounded on the computer. Meggy looked over and saw it, a new case, Tari began to read it. It was about a deviant android leaving with a child after attacking the parents, the parents claimed it just went out of control. "I guess we have a new case!"

It was snowing softly, Meggy shivered a bit as she hugged herself to keep her warm, she had forgotten to grab her jacket at home and now she was staring to debate if she should just head back home to grab it or not. "I'm assuming you lost your jacket?" Tari questioned, "what do you think Sherlock..? Jesus Christ it's cold..." Meggy shivered as she spoke. "I have an idea." Meggy looked at Tari, confused on what her idea could be. Tari unzipped and took off her jacket, placing it on Meggy's shoulders. Meggy's face flushed a red color, and not because of the cold. "T-thanks.." she put her arms through and wore the jacket, it was so soft and very warm, Meggy looked at Tari, she was wearing a white basic tanktop that had her model number underneath the jacket. "A-Aren't you going to get cold?" "No, I am a machine, I don't feel cold"

Meggy Spletzer

"Ah... right..." Meggy looked away from Tari, getting her cigarette and lighting it to smoke. They soon got to their destination and interviewed the store owner about the situation. Tari noticed Meggy's change in mood but before she could say anything, another office had shouted. "OVER THERE!" They both quickly turned their heads, seeing a tall android carrying the child, their hair was cut short and changed into a different color to try and make it less recognizable, the only dead giveaway was the sleeping child in their arms. "Stop right there!" They began to chase the deviant down. The deviant cursed as she ran, the child woke up from the sudden rush of movement. Tari was gaining up on them til they made a sudden sharp turn into an alleyway, Tari was about to turn til Meggy slid on the ice and crashed into her, they both fell to the ground hard, "Shit-! They are getting away!" Meggy shouted, the deviant and the child quickly climbed up the ladder. Tari immediately got up and quickly tried to catch up, having Meggy follow close behind. They chased them on the rooftops, the deviant having the child hold on to them when they jumped to another rooftop. "Come on-" The deviant quickly turned around as they grabbed their gun, aiming it at Meggy...

Meggy's eyes widen as the images of the past flickered with the present, she couldn't help but freeze as her hearing became muffled by ringing. She breathed heavily as she heard the shot, she soon snapped out of her sudden panic when they saw splatters of blue blood as she got tackled by Tari. The ringing stopped as they both landed on the ground. "-Lieutenant! Lieutenant are you okay?!" Tari got up and gently held Meggy. Meggy couldn't help but look at Tari's wounded shoulder, still breathing heavily from her sudden panic. She felt Tari's hand on her cheek as she was forced to look at her. "You... you saved my life..." Meggy managed to get out, her hands trembling as she held onto Tari's arm. "Of course..! You're my partner" Tari helped Meggy up, quickly looking at the deviant running away with the child. "We'll get them next time.." Meggy moved away from Tari, trying to regain her focus. "L-Let just head back.." "that's a good idea, we should rest.."

The door closed behind her. Meggy was allowed to leave work early due to Tari's injury and her having to go to headquarters to get repaired. She sighed as tears rushed down her cheeks, she couldn't stand these new feelings. The worry for Tari, the happiest that she feels when she was around her, the love she felt... she was still wearing Tari's jacket, she sat down on the couch as she grabbed her phone and called someone, she needed to vent it out.

"Lieutenant Spletzer? What's the problem?"

"Hey 3... I-I... you know how I got a new android...?" She sniffled, wiping away her tears. "I... I fell for a machine... h-how dumb is that..?" She laughed a bit, which broke into sobs. All SMG3 could do was listen and try and comfort her.

She groaned as woke up, before the call ended SMG3 had given her the day off to think and rest from everything that had happened. She rubbed her head from the pounding headache as she got up from the couch, walking down the dimmed hallway into her bedroom, she flopped over onto the bed as she plugged in her headphones and played a playlist. Curling up in bed as she listened, didn't help that the songs all reminded her of Tari... "fell for a Machine... what a joke..."

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