My short story? By *Me*

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You are a college student who loves to read books and write poems. You often go to the library to borrow books and spend hours reading them in your dorm room. One day, you decide to return some books and look for new ones. As you walk through the library, you notice a boy sitting at a table with a laptop and a stack of books. He has dark hair, brown eyes, and glasses. He looks up and meets your gaze. You feel a sudden jolt of attraction and curiosity.

You walk over to him and say hello. He smiles and introduces himself as Alex. He says he is studying computer science and he likes to code. You tell him your name and that you are majoring in English literature. You ask him what he is working on. He says he is coding a game for his final project. He shows you his laptop screen and explains the game mechanics. You are impressed by his skills and creativity.

You ask him if he likes to read books. He says he does, but he prefers science fiction and fantasy genres.

You say you like those genres too, but you also enjoy poetry and classics. You suggest some books that you think he might like. He says he will check them out. He asks you if you like to play games. You say you do, but you are not very good at them. He says he can teach you some tips and tricks. He invites you to play his game with him.

You agree and sit next to him. He hands you a pair of headphones and a controller. He starts the game and guides you through the tutorial. You find the game fun and challenging. You laugh and cheer as you complete the levels. He compliments your progress and encourages you to keep going. You feel a warm connection with him.

You play the game for an hour until the library closes. You return the headphones and controller to him. He says he enjoyed playing with you and asks if you want to hang out again sometime. You say yes and exchange phone numbers. He says he will text you later. He gives you a hug and a kiss on the cheek. You blush and smile.

You walk out of the library feeling happy and excited. You have just met a boy who shares your interests and makes you feel special. You wonder what will happen next.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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Small story? idkTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang