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tw: bulimia, mention of sick

theos foot tapping against hers impatiently, pulled her out of her dirty thoughts. lets hope that no one around was a mind reader. aurora shoved adriens hand off her shoulder and pushed him away from her.

he pushed her empty plate towards her and placed some buttered toast onto it.

"eat. please"

aurora took a few bites and before she knew it she had eaten the whole slice. and adriens arm was around her waist.

"will you just fuck off!" she shouted as she pushed him off her, standing and leaving the hall.

draco went to stand and follow her but enzo pushed him back down and followed her himself.

enzo chased after the small girl silently until she had turnt into a bathroom, he still followed her in despite it being the girls lavatory. aurora has still not noticed him as she shut herself into a cubicle.

loenzo waited, leaning against a sink. not wanting to watch her pee of course.

until he heard a few sobs, a gag and fluid splashing into the toilet bowl.

he hurried over to the stall door and used a spell to open it.


a quiet gasp left her lips as she turnt around to face the brown haired boy.

"its not what it looks like- i-"

"so youre not purging yourself?"

she stayed silent. tears streaming down her face.

"oh aurora."

"dont be mad. please just dont be mad at me."

"im not mad. im confused"

"i dont know- i dont know- im sorry-"

she whimpered in pain as she pulled herself to her feet.

enzo used a quick spell to clean auroras mouth and to flush the toilet. "thank you" she muttered as he brought the upset girl into his arms, hugging her gently.

"tight." is all the girl could ask for.

he complied to the request and hugged the girl tighter.

"why have you always preferred tight hugs?"

"feel more secure-"

"you need to tell someone about this rory"

"no!" she pushed herself away from him "i cant- you cant tell anyone enzo. please. promise me"

he shook his head. "i don't want you getting sick rory please at least tell pomfrey"


she was cut off by the door opening and closing, letting draco walk into the bathroom looking impatient and worried.

"been waiting outside for a while now- whats going on?"

ah. so he hadnt heard aurora emptying her stomach into the toilet just a few moments prior.

"nothing" aurora and lorenzo both said at the same time.

"okay now i know somethings up"

"blondies sick" myrtle hiccuped as she floated above the trio.

"in what way?" draco said through gritted teeth

enzo cleared his throat

aurora gave him a look as if to say 'dont'

he looked back apologetically before speaking. "i caught her making herself throw up"

"what- why?"

aurora was quick to jump in "actually, you didnt catch me doing shit cause that isnt what happened. you heard me being sick and opened the door. i didnt do it to myself" she looked panicked at draco "i didnt dray- i didnt"

he pulled her to his chest and rested his chin on her head. "we will talk later, rory. for now i want you to go to poppy, get a wellness potion and head to your first class"

draco looked at his watch. "five minutes until the end of breakfast, i want you to go now" he pressed a kiss to the top of her head

"im fine draco please i swear"

"unless you can say that with veriterserm in your system, you do as i say"

she stayed silent once again.

"go on. we have transfiguration first so ill meet you there"


"thank you rory"

"whatever" she said dryly as she left the bathroom, hopefully heading towards the hospital wing.

A/N: breif update.

protective "big" brother draco is my fav. (hes like 4 hours older than aurora)

which in his eyes is clearly equivalent to 4 years.

ly guys 🫶🏻

brothers best friendOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora